Each movie on this site will be given a rating according to my level of enjoyment and the movie's overall sizzle factor.
Hence the title 'Spicywatch' because for me, the hotter the movie is, the better the movie is.
Pretty straight forward really, as you would imagine, the more chillies that a film receives, the better it is.
If a movie has made it onto the Hall of Fame list - it is worth 5 Chilli Peppers of hotness.
If a movie appears on any other genre list - it is worth at least 3 Chilli Peppers or more.
5 Chilli Peppers - Pure gold and red hot! Straight to the 'Hall of Fame' list.
4 Chilli Peppers - Packs a punch, extremely good viewing.
3 Chilli Peppers - Got a good kick to it, not mind blowing but still worthy.
2 Chilli Peppers - Not so spicy, you don't need to see this.
1 Chilli Pepper - Bland, avoid at all costs.
No Chilli Peppers - The polar ice caps hold more heat - this shit is awful, back away slowly.
Hence the title 'Spicywatch' because for me, the hotter the movie is, the better the movie is.
Pretty straight forward really, as you would imagine, the more chillies that a film receives, the better it is.
If a movie has made it onto the Hall of Fame list - it is worth 5 Chilli Peppers of hotness.
If a movie appears on any other genre list - it is worth at least 3 Chilli Peppers or more.
5 Chilli Peppers - Pure gold and red hot! Straight to the 'Hall of Fame' list.
4 Chilli Peppers - Packs a punch, extremely good viewing.
3 Chilli Peppers - Got a good kick to it, not mind blowing but still worthy.
2 Chilli Peppers - Not so spicy, you don't need to see this.
1 Chilli Pepper - Bland, avoid at all costs.
No Chilli Peppers - The polar ice caps hold more heat - this shit is awful, back away slowly.