Managed to 'chore' around the house for hours on end, it always feels like things are piling up around this time of the year. You notice the dust and dirt a lot more on sunny days, which leaves you feeling dreadfully obligated to crack on with some Spring cleaning. The problem is that once you start, you always find more things that require your attention. Honestly, I can get a headache just going to check the mailbox if I don't divert my eyes from the mounting pile of "things that need to be done."
But that is what the Summer holidays are for, catching up on stuff and finishing off all of those 'started but not yet done' jobs around the house. We are kicking it down a notch these holidays, no whirlwind trips or vacations, just some solid down time to get some things done around here and spend some family time together since this is Zoe's last Summer holiday with us at home. I'm still not really ready to address the reality of what that actually means just yet I'm afraid, I'm giving myself until 2016 to accept that as a real truth.
So, only three working weeks to go, and then freedom! Mind you, I do have a shit load to get though before I can high five myself about the break just yet, but the end is well in sight now. So, from this point on the weekends will get far more hectic, the functions will commence and the chaos that is Christmas will begin. It's all good, taking it a day at a time, living in the moment and promising myself to not get stressed out. I'm just going to savor this exciting time of great anticipation for what it is.

Release Date: 2015
Rating: PG
Running Time: 94 mins
A computer-animated comedy-drama produced by Pixar and released by Disney, that is set within the mind of an eleven year old girl. Director and co-writer Pete Docter first developed the idea for the script when he began to notice changes in his own daughter's personality as she grew up, and what he has come up with, is one of the smartest, sweetest and refreshingly original children's films that I have ever seen.
Young Riley's head is filled with emotions, literally. These five emotions form the characters of Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust and they are all stationed at "headquarters" which is really Riley's conscious mind. When Riley's family packs up and moves to San Francisco, her emotions are truly put to the test.
This is some seriously clever children's cinema; entertaining, visually delightful and intelligently imaginative. We watched this as a family and everyone unanimously agreed that it was wonderful, touching and hilarious. Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling and Phyllis Smith do a terrific job of voicing Riley's emotions, making this the best movie to explore children's emotions so far.
FINAL SAY: All these facts and opinions look the same to me, I can't tell them apart.
4.5 Chili Peppers