In compensation, I have dusted off my winter woollies, put my beanies within easy reach and cleaned all of the cobwebs out my gumboots because from this point on the days are going to get very dark, very short and extraordinarily cold.
The dreaded lurgy is yet again doing the rounds at work and the children and staff alike are all succumbing to it's horrific wrath. It's difficult to not get coughed and spluttered upon by at least a dozen children daily, which really does test one's fortitude and I fear that it will only be a matter of time before I too fall victim to it's evil attack. I am trying to combat the dreaded lurgy by eating nutritious foods, taking a daily multi-vitamin, gorging on citrus fruits and keeping up with my yoga regimen. So far so good, but I know how harsh Ballarat winters are and in reality it is only a matter of time before something catches me.
Hardly the right time of the year to be doing this given the depleting amount of sunlight hours, but Craig and I have had solar panels installed onto our house this week. We have done this in an attempt to be more environmentally sound and we will hopefully also save some money on our insanely high electricity bills as well. We are 'all systems electrical' out here, and in the winter it gets really hexy with heating requirements, so any savings would be welcomed. The panels themselves aren't the most aesthetically pleasing addition to the front of our house if I am being completely honest, but as I said, this is really more about being sustainable and less about looking pretty so I need to make my peace with it. Gotta think globally these days or you're just a bit of an asshole really.

Release Date: 2006
Rating: PG
Running Time: 96 mins
A documentary based on former United States Vice President Al Gore's campaign to educate citizens about the realities of global warming. After premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, the documentary became a huge success and even won two Academy Awards, one for Best Documentary Feature.
With our planet's grim future cast into the light through a series of disturbing slides and statistics, An Inconvenience Truth seeks to educate and inform about the effects of Global warming on a universal level. By seeing the negative impact that we have orchestrated ourselves, we get a first hand look at the terrible state that we have left the world in, and it is bleak to say the least. The documentary has since been credited with raising international awareness and re-energising the environmental movement.
This documentary really is rife with depressing and inconvenient truths, but they are truths that everyone should be aware of. An unpleasant but absolutely essential viewing for the good of our planet's future.
FINAL SAY: Awareness is key.
3.5 Chili Peppers