For example, let's just say that some worldwide apocalyptic event was about to occur, something swift, close and something that no-one had any control over - it's the end of the world and it's completely unstoppable. What would you chose to do with your final hours? Who would you chose to spend your final moments with? Would you run around like a lunatic freaking out or would you just accept the hand that fate has dealt you and go out peacefully? Would you loot and pillage your final moments away like some crazed viking raider or would you just chill with your friends and family?
For me it is the latter, but I am pretty sure that thousands would decide to go all 'opportunist' seizing a final moment of 'whatever goes' and attempting to go out in a blaze of glory. I think that what you would prefer to be doing in those last moments, really puts your real life into perspective. It places your true values and genuine nature into perspective, and makes it very easy to see what you have been living for up to this point.
It is the people that have nothing to lose that will always become the most dangerous, it is the people that haven't accepted their own mortality that will always struggle the most and it is the people that realize that this is all just fleeting and that nothing is forever that will go peacefully. Personally, I like to imagine that my final hours will be spent with my loved ones, sharing a last good meal and a few drinks, holding onto each other and reminiscing about all of the wonderful things that we have been so lucky to have had together. Because when it all boils down, all we really have is each other, everything else is just filler and fluff, it's meaningless - it's just a way to pass the time.
It's the moments, the memories, the relationships that we have forged over our blood, sweat and tears that are going to take centre stage for most of us in those final hours. And this is why it is so cathartic to imagine that it is the end of the world, because those amazing relationships shouldn't have to wait for it to be the end of the world for your nearest and dearest to take centre stage. They should be the most important things every damn day and if they aren't, well, you're doing it wrong. I say, make the most of every single minute, every single moment that you can and never ever miss the chance to let someone you love know how much they mean to you.
The end of the world may never happen, but your place in it will end one day, that much is certain, so don't fill your life and time with too much fluff and crap, focus on your meaningful relationships and just take it one beautiful day at a time. Yeah, I said beautiful day, because when you think that you may not have many of them left they all seem pretty beautiful don't they?
So put on a smile and enjoy yourself, after all, it's not like it's the end of the world or anything!

Release Date: 2013
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 87 mins
An apocalyptic movie, filmed in Perth, Western Australia and directed by Zac Hilditch. These Final Hours is further proof that Australian's are producing high quality thrillers that are just as good as the overseas competition, and far more relatable to local audiences.
It is the final day on earth for Australians, much of the world has already been decimated by a cataclysmic event and in a few short hours it will reach the coast line of Australia. With only hours to live, James (Nathan Phillips) makes his way across the lawless and chaotic city streets of Perth to the party to end all parties, seeking oblivion from the impending doom. However, along the way he reluctantly saves the life of a young girl named Rose (Angourie Rice). James' strange new relationship with Rose forces him to address what really matters in his life as the time ticks away.
Nathan Phillips and Angourie Rice are excellent, their characters are well delivered and their reactions to the events that occur around them are portrayed with conviction and realism. I was really touched by this movie, I liked that there was personal revelation hidden amidst the cesspool of humanity's final hours, and I was gripped by the powerful knowledge that everything was going to end for everyone.
FINAL SAY: I never did believe in God....
3.5 Chili Peppers