This is the longest break I have ever had in my life and I feel like it has given me a very clear glimpse into my retirement years, and if my retirement is only half as good as this break has been, I cannot wait! I have never loved my life the way that I love my life right now. There is something to be said for being able to do the things that you want to do whenever you want to do them that is not only freeing but also completely limitless in possibility. And in only a decade or so this could be my life everyday. Sharing time, indulging in my passions and choosing my adventures on the daily. The retired life sure is appealing but I've got a lot more work and money to save before that's a reality, so that little pipedream will need to be shelved as I head into the final stretch of my break which I will be spending a big chunk of in Fiji; snorkelling, canoeing, sipping cocktails and laying on the beach. It's a tough final call but I'm up to the challenge!
Perhaps one of the best things that this break has offered to me is some pause to take stock. Time to consider where I am at, what I already have and everything that I am grateful for. And there is plenty in my life to be grateful for. In Sweden they say that people run too fast in this life, so they need a good long break in order for their spirit to catch up with their body. This rest time allows reflection time and it is a vital component in becoming fully aware of your life and the blessings that you have. It is a time to be mindful and fully present - mind, body and spirit in all of the aspects of your life to that point and to allow for yourself feel whole and in tune again. I can honestly say that I have spent quite a bit of time contemplating my life and the blessings that I have this year and the last five weeks have really given me even more to reflect on.
Since I have turned 50 I have felt more alive, in tune and more at peace with myself than I have ever felt before. My spirit has awoken this year and I find myself fascinated in the smallest of things and in awe of almost everything. I find inspiration and joy in everyone that I share time with now, and I feel a love for my family and friends that is resolute and powerful. My relationships bolster, strengthen and improve me and the quality of my life constantly. I am made better by every moment that I share with another, this I am now 100% certain of. The pleasure that shared time has given me is immeasurable and every relationship in my life has shifted to greater heights in the last year. I am surrounded by the best kind of people that give me their love and receive my love with open arms; how could anyone want more than that in their life?
I also feel an incredible connection to country and a huge respect for every living thing. I am awe struck daily by the sights and sounds outside of my window. I love the land that I live on, I feel connected to it and it gives me joy beyond words or expression. I only need to step outside and be in nature to be refuelled. I only need to touch the trees, see the stars, hear the birds call, smell the air and feel the strength of the earth beneath my feet to know that I am exactly where I am meant to be. The silence and the time has given me back that connection, one that I know that I have tapped in to from time to time throughout my life, but now feel like I am not just observing, but breathing in; every, single, day.
So perhaps the Swedish are right, and maybe this time to go slow has given my spirit time to catch up with me. Whatever is happening, I do feel like this is all bringing me closer and closer to being the person that I have always wanted to be. A person who gives and receives love in equal measure, a person who delights in the joys of others as much as they do for themselves and a person who has nothing to prove because they are content to just be. One day, I hope to be that person but for now, I am also more than happy to be exactly where I am, in a state of best living.

Release Date: 2023
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 82 mins
A romantic comedy, set in South London and directed by Raine Allen-Miller in her feature directorial debut. Rye Lane is an exceedingly enjoyable watch with terrific and likeable characters, a plausible storyline and an original style that makes it a fresh rom-com offering.
Yas and Dom meet in a gender neutral toilet at a mutual friend's art exhibition. Having both recently broken up with their partners, they discover that they have a lot in common and unpack their experiences as they traverse the city together.
At just over 80 minutes run time, Rye Lane is short, sweet and to the point, leaping in head first with fresh and witty dialogue and a youthful energy that is utterly infectious. The backdrop of South London is showcased in artistic and interesting ways, the soundtrack is fabulous and the two characters of Yas and Dom are delivered perfectly by newcomers Vivian Oparah and David Jonsson; easily making this the best romance movie of 2023.
FINAL SAY: Peng? Refreshingly disarming?
4 Chilli Peppers