God only knows what I am going to pay this latest hiccup it with. Lucky for us, our mechanic is fabulous at repairs and lousy at getting his paper work in order, so hopefully that will buy me a few weeks to work out how to wrangle the cash for this debacle.
You would think that a month that re-introduced alcohol into your life would be joyful wouldn't you? But, it has been quite the opposite really, utterly joyless would be a better description. And to top it all off, all of this insane busyness and money stress of late has had Craig and I at each others throats like a pack of wild hunting dogs, honestly it's nothing short of diabolical around here. I feel like I'm on the set of National fucking Geographic, it's all egg shells and threatening sneers and I'm over it!
I'm literally checking out mentally at the moment, and if I keep shutting down at this rate, I will be in a coma within a week. Even whiskey can't fix this funk! Come on December, bring me something good.

Release Date: 2013
Rating: R 18+
Running Time: 89 mins
A short romp into the worlds of two types of people, people with too much money and people with none. Matching the dark build and grim affect of a decent Twilight Zone tale, this black comedy takes so many dark turns that it really fails to deliver any kind of humour whatsoever, but comes out on top with it's disturbing study of desperate and depraved individuals.
Old, broke, buddies Craig and Vince re-unite after a five year hiatus, at a seedy bar. They are coerced into having a drink with an unusual couple; wildman Colin and his young, beautiful, but clearly disengaged wife, Violet. After establishing that money is no object to them, the couple begin to pit bets, raising the rewards and the challenges as the night progresses.
Held together by some terrific casting, in particular Pat Healy as Craig, this is a nasty and yet completely engaging film. The strong social commentary and moral conundrum add to the tension and raise this film out of the realms of gore porn, and although it isn't pretty, it is worth a look.
FINAL SAY: How low can you go?
3 Chili Peppers