There are just so many shiny, happy people milling around the place and it is positively infectious to be around. On top of that, they also appear to really love the work that they are doing as well. All of them seem to undertake tasks with a sense of real vigor, enthusiasm and gusto; which is a bit of a stark contrast to my old workplace where a lot of people did not appear to be enjoying themselves very much at all most of the time.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, quite the opposite in fact, these people are totally inspiring to work with. I am really loving the positive change, but I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge how different it is to be around contented co-workers. When you are not used to it, it is quite weird and also deeply fascinating.
My suspicious mind cannot help but wonder -Can everyone really be that happy? Well, from what I have seen, yes; apparently they can! Staff in a school can totally be content, organised, committed, happy and accountable! Who knew? I don't really know what I was expecting to be honest, but it feels so great to be going to a place where people genuinely seem to care about everyone else in the school as much as they care about themselves. No wonder the children are all so chilled out, it's a pretty blissful place to be.
Of course, it is still a workplace and not a day spa, and in spite of the 'namaste' feelings that I am vibing on, I know that there will most certainly be challenging days ahead, especially now that the children have arrived back. However, in spite of the awareness that there will be days ahead when things feel anything but blissful; I'll take what I can get for now. I cannot help but feel good about the positive change that a new workplace has brought to my life, and if my new co-workers are anything to go by, I feel like the challenges will indeed come, but just as easily go as well. It's certainly a terrific start to the work year that's for sure.

Release Date: 2017
Rating: M
Running Time: 97 mins
A documentary from director Heitor Dhalia that follows the experiences of American photographer Michael O'Neill as he photographs and interviews the great Yoga Masters of India, Tibet and New York.
This is one of the most beautifully realised and spiritually inspiring movies that I have ever seen. If you aren't already doing yoga, this movie will make you want to go and join the nearest ashram immediately! The magical soundtrack, the sage advise, the inspiring yogi masters turning themselves into pretzels, what's not to like?
To be fair, I am a fan of both yoga and photography so I am probably deeply biased in my love for this movie, but I don't care, I was into it completely. This movie was somewhat of an experience for me, and although it's not going to spin everyone's tyres, I really think that the terrific interviews with the older yoga practitioners are definitely worthy of everyone's attention.
FINAL SAY: Namaste.
4 Chilli Peppers