No amount of superglue or rework is ever going to cover up all those cracks and holes.
There are holes inside of some people that are so deep that it wouldn't matter how much good shit you stuffed and shoved into the space, no matter how often you tried to fill the void, the hole just wont get any smaller; it just grows bigger and bigger and everyone just stands around wondering what they will ever be able to do fix that gap. Everyone feels hopeless and useless and exhausted.
People like that are the hardest people to please and probably the people that need our love the most and generally the people that resist that love the most. Their level of darkness is like a plague, it steals the air in a room and swallows all hope of normality along with it.
I know people like that.
Change for them is not an option, it's not on the menu and never will be.
They hate for the sake of hating and they have no reason for doing the things that they do that anyone can see but them. They can't let go of their shit, they're drowning in it. They're drowning and when you try to help you get pulled under too. You can't surface, you can't breathe.
So what do you do? Do you step off and self preserve or do you stand and fight because you can't give up. I guess that depends on how much that person means to you, how much damaged you've endured yourself and how much more of yourself you can afford to give before you too become a broken one.
I don't have the answers. I don't know when stay the course becomes a better option than abandon ship, or vice versa. I don't know why people are so complicated, but they are and it just is what it is.

Release Date: 2013
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 126 mins
It astounds me that Spike Jonze, the same man that wrote the screenplays for the Jackass movies, can also write amazingly emotional films like Where the Wild Things Are and his newest and most triumphant film Her.
Set in an undisclosed future, the story is revolves around the life of Theodore, played with exquisite emotional range by Joaquin Phoenix. Theodore is a letter writer that is going through a divorce from his life partner when he purchases an artificially intelligent computer operating system (OS1) for company. But this OS, called Samantha has a consciousness that evolves with every interaction and soon Theodore finds that he has feelings for Samantha that are both powerful and real.
This certainly steps outside of the realms of any love story that I have ever encountered before, but it is beautifully done and incredibly touching despite the fact that you never even see Samantha, only hear her. Scarlett Johansson's sexy voice is perfect for Samantha and this is easily the most pleasing I have see Joaquin Phoenix in a long time.
FINAL SAY: A serious glitch in the system
4.5 Chili Peppers