What I have found, through a process of diligent goal setting and also wild abandon of all goal setting and letting the wind blow me where it may in a devil may care type of fashion, is that if you want something bad enough you don't need to set yourself a resolution to do it, you will just do it. If it matters to you, if you can make it a priority, then you will make it happen.
Just like those people in your life that don't see you for a long time and use the pathetic excuse 'that they were just too busy' to get around to catching up (which is quite frankly a load of horseshit) because everyone is busy and that excuse is just ridiculous! If you really want to see someone then you will make it a priority and you will see them. And the same goes for any other goals that you set for yourself in life, if it matters enough to you, then you will make it a priority, and I guarantee that if can do that, then you will make it happen.
You do not need to write it on a calendar or drunkenly shout it off a balcony at midnight on news years eve to make it happen, in fact those flimsy pledges rarely go anywhere anyway. If you can make something a non-negotiable aspect of your life, then you will see your goals come to fruition.
And that, I believe, is the key to all of life's successes. Consistent, continual, conscientious prioritising is what you need to make your goals a reality. Making new year's resolutions and dreamy promises to yourself does not get shit done, but committing to making your goals non-negotiable and essential in your everyday life does. Trust me, it's true, you cannot go halfway on your dreams and life goals, but you also do not have to make everything happen in a twelve month time bracket either.
The reason that so many people fail when it comes to resolutions and personal goals is because they didn't want it bad enough in the first place and/or they wanted it too soon. Every major goal that I have achieved in my life has taken me years to attain, and has generally required a fair amount of upkeep to sustain as well. The good stuff takes work, there are no shortcuts. In order to make changes in your life for the better, you are required to commit and persevere, even when you want to quit, you have to persist and be 100% non-negotiable to meet that goal.
In January of 2015 my new years resolution goals were:
- Finish all of the reviews on my blog (I had 310 backlogged movies to review at that point)
- Do half an hour of exercise a day
- Drink more water
- Meditate twice a week
- Plan a get together once a month (with friends or family)
I managed to quit smoking, started performing daily yoga and meditation practices, learnt to read and write Braille, maintained my daily journaling and also maintained my Spicywatch reviews and blog entries, and trust me when I tell you that sometimes, these things are hard to maintain. I too get busy, and I want to cut corners and stop doing as much, but they are my life goals, they are things that I have made a priority in my life because I want to have a richer fuller life experience, and I will not compromise on my goals.
Real change takes time, a lot of time and a lot of consistent and continual effort. Unfortunately, personal upgrading is not just a flippant news year's resolution thing, it's a lot of hard work but it is also completely satisfying to set your sights on a better version of yourself and then achieve it. There is really no better feeling (apart from giving love and being loved) that I know of. So, yes, do set out to meet your life goals and push yourself forward, but do it realistically, knowing that it is going to take a lot of your time, effort and persistence to achieve and that what you set in motion in 2019 may not be your reality until 2025, and that that is okay as well....slow and steady wins the race my friends, so take your time and enjoy the ride!

Release Date: 2018
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 100 mins
A science fiction/ action film, written and directed by Leigh Whannell, that cleverly combines a plausible futuristic existence with high octane action sequences. Upgrade was my favourite action offering of 2018, and although at times it is unnecessarily gory and ultra violent (really don't know how this is only rated MA 15+ to be honest), the action sequences are stunningly played out, making this a real edge of your seat thrill ride from start to end.
In the not too distant future, mechanic Grey Trace (Logan Marshall-Green) and his wife are brutally mugged on the streets. His wife is murdered and Grey is left a depressed quadriplegic. He is given the opportunity to trial a new and secretive surgical implant called STEM. After being implanted into Grey's spine, STEM restores all motor function to his body, but also comes with some unexpected side effects and upgrade perks which enable Grey to avenge his wife's killers.
Essentially this is a revenge movie wrapped up in a very attractive science fiction package, and I really liked the feel of it. From the uber chic sophistication of the rich and powerful to the gritty cyberpunk environments of the less fortunate, the details in this movie are impressive, and for the most part believable.
Marshall-Green is terrific as Grey, allowing his body and facial expressions to play two different roles simultaneously, which impressed me greatly. Also, the first player camera mode that the movie adopts from time to time is pure genius here, overall this is a really solid and original action movie, and it's definitely a worthy watch.
FINAL SAY: I cannot allow us to be killed.
4 Chilli Peppers