With Zoe still short of 21, many people's first reaction is that she is too young; but why can't the young fall in love forever? Why is that the go to? Age has nothing to do with matters of the heart, when it's the real thing you just know and you grab hold of it with two hands. I was married at 21, and Craig and I have managed to weather the tests of time together; sure we've had our rough patches but we have managed to go from strength to strength. When you grow up loving the same person, you really do get to know an awful lot about them and I don't see that as a bad thing at all, it's actually quite lovely to have someone to spend your life with; especially when that person loves you equally as hard as you love them. Why wouldn't you want to make a vow of commitment to that person?
Age-smage I say, the heart knows what it wants and holding back on the really beautiful things in life has never made anyone happy. So, cheers to you Zoe and Lachlainn, congratulations to you both for being brave and bold enough to tell the world that you really do mean forever when you say it. True love never goes out of style and everyone knows that the first cut really is the deepest.
Release Date: 1990
Rating: M
Running Time: 105 mins
Tim Burton brings together a mixed bag of romance and tragedy in Edward Scissorhands. This fairy tale like story has extreme characters and is set in a cookie cutter middle-class community in America, showcasing Burton's love of the unusual and sympathy for the underdog.
Edward (Johnny Depp) is hidden away from society by his recluse inventor father (Vincent Price). When he dies, he leaves Edward to fend for himself in an 'unfinished' state. A local Avon lady (Dianne Weist) discovers him and takes pity on him, encouraging Edward to come and live in their family home. Edward tries to assimilate and soon falls for his host's daughter (Winona Ryder); but not everyone in the town is willing to embrace Edward's unusual appearance and rather unorthodox ways.
This is a charming and moving movie, it's deeply magical quality is sure to enchant viewers for years to come and certainly won a place in my heart.
FINAL SAY: The first cut is the deepest.
4 Chili Peppers