As usual, Seth celebrated his birthday in the most low key manner that he could think of. One friend to sleepover, a spread of various tacos, a homemade ice-cream cake and plenty of gaming time. Seriously, teenage boys are the most easily pleased creatures on the planet from what I can gather; no fuss, no frills and as a little social interaction as possible and they are completely happy and content. Seth literally wanted nothing for his birthday, he wasn't even a little bit phased about the day at all. You should've heard the awkward conversations leading up to the event, they mostly went something like this:
Your birthday is coming up buddy, pretty exciting, you're gonna be 13!
Have you thought about how you might like to celebrate it?
Would you like to go out for the day?
No I don't think so.
Would you like to go to the pool or the beach?
Would you like a party?
What would you like me to do for your birthday then?
Nothing really......uhhh....maybe you could make tacos?
Tacos? Is that what you want to eat for your birthday? You know that you can have anything you want right?
Yeah, I want tacos.
Okay, anything else?
If you want to.
It's your birthday, you will be wanting cake won't you?
I spos.
What sort?
Whatever you like
Whatever you like I think!
Okay, ice cream cake maybe?
Sure, anything else?
Do you want me to invite anyone over or anything?
Maybe, I'll get back to you on that one.
Okay, well if you think of anything else let me know.
And that was it, there was no getting back to me, no mention of his birthday again until a couple of days before when I had another go at grilling him.
So any thoughts on your birthday yet?
So you aren't going to do anything to celebrate it?
I thought Conor could come over.
Of course
He said he could.
You already asked him?
He said yeah.
So he will come out or will I be picking him up?
He will just come out sometime, his dad will drop him out. He's gonna call you.
Oh, so it's all sorted?
And that's all you want to do?
Yep. Don't stress mum, it's all good, it's just another birthday.
And that is how it always plays out with Seth, minimal conversation, minimal hassle and as little fuss as possible. I can't say that it is all that weird, I mean he has Craig and I for parents so what can we expect really? Both of our kids are pretty introverted, but Seth is a serious home body that even I cannot compete with. And in spite of his lack of adventure or thirst for stimulation, he had a terrific time on his birthday and said thanks for an awesome day when it was all over. Like I said, teenage boys, they're the easiest species on the planet to please and that can only be seen as a good thing.

Release Date: 2016
Rating: PG
Running Time: 119 mins
A Japanese animated adventure film, written and directed by award winning director Mamoru Hosoda, that won Animation of the Year at the 37th Japan Academy Prizes. The Boy and the Beast also captivated audiences around the world with its unique animation style and creative storytelling.
A troubled boy stumbles upon an alternate world that is filled with fantastic beasts. A powerful and gruff beast warrior named Kumatetsu, who has been searching for an apprentice, takes the boy on and attempts to train him in the ways of the warrior.
This is a thoughtfully put together coming of age tale that has plenty of interesting and colourful characters, and enough complications to keep interest levels high. The animation styling here is so good, I loved the overall tone and effect of this film, it was such a pleasing visual undertaking. The Boy and the Beast was certainly one of the hidden gems of 2016 and is definitely a family movie worthy of your time.
FINAL SAY: Am I human, or am I a beast?
4 Chilli Peppers