However, it wasn't all take and no give, I really had a wonderful time giving all of the gifts that I had shopped for and I made plenty of treats and delicious eats for others to indulge in. I also did my volunteer shift of Christmas gift wrapping and fundraising for the Salvos as well, so I actually got to give over quite a bit of my love this jolly season. Everyone knows that the giving is generally even more special than the receiving at Christmas time and it was so wonderful to spend time with my family and friends over the last few days in an unhurried, indulgent and relaxing way.
To be honest I haven't even managed to get out of my pyjamas today, I am having the laziest of days and with the fridge full of leftovers, I won't even need to cook this evening either. Unfortunately, my body clock has not adjusted to holiday time yet and insists on waking me up at 6am, which wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't continually burning the midnight oil at the moment as well. I don't think that I have been in bed before midnight since I finished work last week, and the lack of rest is starting to get a hold of me.
Tiredness affects people in all kinds of ways, some people get cranky and moody, others get dozy, but I get vague, really, really vague. People can have entire conversations with me and I won't hear a word of it because I am off with the pixies. I also do really stupid things like lose my glasses (which are perched on top of my head) or put things away and forget where I put them. I suppose that I am just getting a really good glimpse into my future, because from what I have heard, people in their old age do a lot of wacky stuff like that all of the time. However, I also get really annoyingly foggy and I can't focus on anything for very long, everything seems much harder than it actually is and I am really only good for one thing, movie marathons and TV bingeing.
Am I using my tiredness as an excuse to hit the couch hard for a couple of days? Probably, but I don't feel guilty about that, it is the holidays after all and I have well and truly earned my right to be lazy and disconnected for a while. The time to unplug and tune out has finally arrived, so I think I might watch something a little on the slanted side because my mind is already there after all!

Release Date: 2005
Rating: PG
Running Time: 101 mins
A fantasy film designed and directed by Dave McKean and written by Neil Gaiman. This movie embodies all of the elements of a cult film, mostly because it was made for DVD and because it's script is odd to say the least, but I don't think that Mirrormask was ever really aiming for mass appeal.
We follow 15 year old Helena as she attempts to run away from the circus, yes that's right, run away from the circus. She finds herself on a journey through a strange and and dangerous landscape called the Dark Lands, on a quest to recover a powerful charm - the Mirrormask, that will revive the queen and restore order to this place of chaos.
This is a visually pleasing movie, with unique concepts and alluring designs. It plays out like a twisted kind of a fairytale and although I really enjoyed the overall vision, the story does feel a bit under developed. That aside, it is still worth seeing, because there is nothing else like it, making it an imaginative, one-of-a-kind experience.
FINAL SAY: We often confuse what we wish for with what is.
3 Chilli Peppers