Poor Dib, he was gutted. This very attractive and popular young lass has decided that she hates my darling son, and his once secret crush has become a source of extreme anguish and unrelenting girl torment. There is no greater sting than the hateful words of girl that you are secretly in love with, and after calling him a fat slob and telling him that she hates him with all of her being, he was shattered.
He is so utterly confused by her behaviours and cruelty, one minute she's fine, next she is crying for unknown reasons, then she is - in his words - the devil! He just cannot imagine what her problem is and apart from saying that sometimes girls can be tremendously cruel, there is very little a mother can do. Craig just said "chicks man...." which is quite true, but does nothing to bolster his broken heart and deflated ego.
All that I know for sure is that it won't be the last time that some girl stomps all over his feelings, because my little guy wears his heart on his sleeve. And even those of us that wear the toughest of armour get burnt by unfulfilled crushes and insensitive words. Growing up can be a treacherous and unpleasant business; and girls, well they aren't easy to understand, and when you're the most desired girl in a school you tend to have the luxury to also be the most scathing.
There is really nothing that I can do to alleviate the hurt for Seth, because even ten year old boys know that their mother's think them the most handsome, but I do hope that karma sneaks up on that nasty little piece of work and gives her a good kick up the arse sometime soon.
Release Date: 1999
Rating: M
Running Time: 97 mins
A young Heath Ledger had girls hearts pounding with his portrayal of the outcast boy at school, Patrick. Equally, Julia Styles terrified boys everywhere with her portrayal of Kat, a fast talking and abrasive teen that will take no shit from anyone. When scheming Cameron (Joseph Gordon -Levitt) falls for Kat's main stream and younger sister Bianca, he must first find someone to date Kat so that her father will let Bianca also date. He targets Patrick in attempt to bring the two 'undateables' together.
10 things I Hate About You is a modernization of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, portraying the Indy feminist character Kat as the 'shrew'. It's universal popularity launched the careers of Styles, Ledger and Gordon-Levitt, and even if you're not into teen romance movies, there is a lot to enjoy here. The soundtrack is fabulous, the actors are showing why they went on to bigger things and the story line is entertaining and amusing.
FINAL SAY: Tempestuous? "Heinous Bitch" is the term most often used.
3 Chili Peppers