You would hope that by your 20,000 day that you would have gotten some things sorted out as far as life goes. Like a sense who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes and best case scenario, what you have to offer to the world in general. There is a great deal of retrospection and contemplation that comes with all of that thinking, as you go fossicking through the archives of your life to really determine where your roots lie and which paths you took, or could have taken, that have shaped you into who you have become.
I'm not saying that you should have everything worked out, that would defeat the mysterious beauty of life itself, which is in essence a journey of discovery and continual evolution. But I do think that by 20,000 days, and I am getting a sense of it now with only 15,000 odd days under my belt, that certain patterns emerge and a type of fabric has been constructed that dictates the type of life that you have led and who you have become.
It is interesting to look back over the things that you idolized or adored, the people that were your earliest muses and the experiences that had the most defining effects along the way to creating who you are now. And questions arise from these reflections, like are you happy with who you are now? Are you doing what you want to be doing? Are you living out your dreams? Are you where you want to be at this point in life? I think that it is vital to do some self evaluation from time to time, because knowing yourself is the most powerful tool in the world and you are the only thing that you will ever have total control over.
Who knows what I will be thinking about when my 20,000th day arrives or what my opinion on life will be then, probably something different again to the thoughts that I have now, but is a wonderful thing to ponder.
Release Date: 2014
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 97 mins
A fictitious depiction of a day in the life of musician Nick Cave. Co-written by Iain Forsyth, Jane Pollard and Nick Cave himself, we get an intimate view of the world through this eccentric and poetic performer as he celebrates his 20,000th day on the planet.
If you are not yet a Nick Cave fan, this film will probably make you one; and for those that already adore him, well you are in for a treat. I myself knew very little about Nick Cave before watching this film, and found myself quickly understanding what it was about him that mesmerizes and captivates audiences.
The film focuses on Nick's artistic processes as a performer and brings together all of the elements of his life and experiences in a disarmingly self-aware and almost mythological fashion. He is clearly a sensitive, reflective and highly intelligent individual with talents that span across many fields of artistry, but what struck me most about Nick was his dark, broody and ever evolving thought processes, that never really seem to cease. Some may see this film as self indulgent, but anyone that is spending that much time on their craft deserves to have a film made about them, and this is a truly interesting movie about a very intriguing man.
FINAL SAY: In the end, I am not interested in that which I fully understand.
3.5 Chili Peppers