Word had spread to me about a new African restaurant that had opened in Ballarat, and I can't say that have eaten a lot of African food, so naturally being utterly food driven as I am I ventured out to sample something new.
With the help of a good friend and Zoe, we managed to gorge our way through 8 small tasting dishes, most of them vegetarian and even better for me gluten free! Word of advise for new goers, ask for the rice on the side not the African flatbread, it is very lemony and although I couldn't have it myself - the feedback from my group was tepid at best. Overall I think that it is only fair to say that I am now a fan of Ethiopian food because it was very satisfying and good in a simplistic and wholesome way; and thanks to my entertainment book app also extremely cheap.
Unfortunately, I have really had to be a bit of a scabby knuckles lately aka. tight arse. Saving for our trip to Bali amid rates, bills, insurance and house payments has been really horrid. We are serious house poor at the moment, which no-ones wants to be. I keep telling myself that all this scrimping and saving will be worth it for our trip, but I am not used to having to save this hard and this quickly and to be honest, it is really stressful! Hopefully November will bring some peace of mind because the bills have been thick and fast this month.
Rounded out my Saturday night with an escape to the cinema (el cheapo tickets only thanks!) to enjoy Richard Linklater's newest offering.
Release Date: 2014
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 165 mins
A quintessential coming of age story, outlining one boy's life journey from age 6 to 18. Linklater spent 12 years putting this movie together, using the same entire cast to give more depth and meaning to every era of Mason's development.
Mason (Ellar Coltrane) doesn't have the most interesting or exciting life, he is just a normal boy growing up and meeting challenges day to day. But this is not a film that seeks to delve too deeply, but rather skate it's viewers across the surface of the everyday and often mundane events and pitfalls that just occur along the path to finding ourselves.
The time periods are like a nostalgic trip down memory lane. The clothing, the hairstyles, the major events, the gaming choices and the soundtrack all tell a story and perfectly help capture each moment in time.
Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke are fabulous as Mason's parents; constantly changing, ebbing and flowing along side of their children as they too develop their own lives and circumstances. Richard Linklater's own daughter Lorelei Linklater does a great job of her role as Samantha, Mason's older sister.
This movie is set to become a modern classic, not just because it's breaking new ground in movie making but also because it is has so much going on that could be explored in much greater depth.
FINAL SAY: You only get to grow up once.
4 Chili Peppers