She is hot and very tired of waiting, and I can't say I blame her. Zoe came into the world four days early and Seth came one day late, so I can only imagine how poor Zoe must be feeling. I know that I was well and truly sick of being pregnant by the end of it all and could not wait for it to be over. The waiting and not knowing is just the worst kind of torture, and it is also peppered with a lot of fear and anxiety when it is your first baby because you just don't know what the hell is going to happen to you in labour and it is quite terrifying really.
Not that knowing makes it any easier the second time around mind you, I literally locked myself in the toilet and flat out refused to come out because I - quote - "am not doing this bullshit again, no way!" But Seth did eventually get here, so yeah, I did have to do that bullshit again turns out!
It is amazing how you forget just how challenging pregnancy and the waiting for a baby to arrive can be, but you do go through it all again with your own children and the memories are flooding back for me thick and fast. The hot, stretchy-skinned tiredness, the 'nothing fits me' and 'I'm a horrible monster' phase, the 'oh good god, how will I ever get this out of me?' worries and the 'can someone just make this all end?' pleas, it is a really trying period of time and when the baby is overdue, it can feel like an endless stretch of irrelevant moments that can only be relieved by the arrival of the baby. Everything hangs on the baby and the loss of control is so challenging. I have felt it so strongly through Zoe and she is so ready for her child to be in the world.
And then suddenly the baby finally arrives and you feel exhilarated and achieved and wonderful and....then... well then the baby stage begins, and that, as all parents well know is it's own type of fresh hell. Plummeting hormones, sleepless nights (and days), resounding cries, sore nipples, endless nappies...but I won't go on about that just yet. We have a few hurdles to leap over before we start to traverse that river of experiences. So strap in everybody, a baby is on the way, and not just any baby - my grandchild! Oh lord, I cannot believe my good fortune! Come on my darling baby! We are ready with open arms to receive you!

Release Date: 2019
Rating: M
Running Time: 118 mins
An Australian coming of age, romance-drama directed by Shannon Murphy from a screenplay by Rita Kalnejais. After premiering at the Venice Film Festival, Babyteeth deservingly went on to win nine AACTA film awards including Best Film. With a mixture of romance and love complications, Babyteeth hits all of the right notes and delivers a thoughtful portrayal of a family dealing with youthful energy and illness.
Milla Finlay is just like any other 16 year old, only she has cancer. On a station platform she meets Moses, a drug addled despot who steals her heart and challenges her already stretched family.
With powerhouse performances from the always great Essie Davis and Ben Mendelsohn, who play Milla's parents, the young love birds (Eliza Scanlon and Toby Wallace) are well positioned for an engaging, touching and completely believable tale of love, self discovery and of course, loss.
FINAL SAY: This is the worst possible parenting I can imagine.
3.5 Chilli Peppers