I am the worst sick person ever, I absolutely hate it when my body fails me and I always try to push myself before my body is genuinely ready to perform, which just makes me even more tired and cranky as a result. Joy! So with my movements slower than a snail and my ability to do much of anything at an all time low, I have been forced to grab for the cope dope and waste an otherwise spectacular weekend doing three parts of fuck all and wishing that my bones didn't feel like they were turning to dust under my skin.
But, if you are going to live in the Central Highlands area of Victoria, you have to prepare yourself for these inconveniences, because it doesn't matter how well you prepare and how many vitamins you push into yourself, you simply cannot outrun a cold or flu forever. In fact I lasted a whole month longer than I did last year, so that's saying something. Nope, nothing to do but ride it out, every boring, aching, minute of it.