With the recent discovery of water on Mars, it is normal for people have a multitude of questions in relation to what that means exactly. With scientific knowledge leading us to understand that we as humans originally crawled out of a type of primordial soup, mainly made up of salt water, then naturally it raises more than a few eyebrows when NASA announces that they have found salt water on another planet; and not just any planet, but Mars, the next planet away from the sun after our own dear Earth, and the one with the most similarities.
How many species do we know of that can survive and thrive in salt water conditions? And it is worth considering the fact that we still haven't even chartered the depths of most our own oceans; it sure does get a person thinking. Does this mean that I believe in aliens? Well, I prefer to stray away from the term 'alien', because generally that evokes images of little green men with huge eyes and anal probes in many people, so alien is a term I'd rather not use. But life....the possibility of life somewhere out there, yeah I am willing to say that I think that there is a very high possibility that there is other life out there.
In what form, I cannot say, could be a microscopical organism, could be a shiny very angry squid type creature or it could be a highly intelligent life form that doesn't require a physical form to exist - who knows? And does that life exist on Mars? Maybe, maybe not, but odds are that if there is other life, it is going to be much further away in another galaxy, much further out than we have ever gone; and finding it is like finding a needle in a haystack. But sometimes when I sit out on the deck and look up at the stars, I like to imagine the possibilities and mull them over in mind and wonder if in a couple of thousand years we will know about more than just water on other planets, but about life outside of our own as well...and that is a wonderfully exciting thing to contemplate.
Release Date: 2014
Rating: M
Running Time: 113 mins
I didn't expect to like this movie, but I did, very much in fact. Like Groundhog Day with a science fiction story line, this movie about a soldier that is doomed to repeat the same day over and over during a 'war of the worlds' battle with aliens, was an action-packed, high energy sci-fi that I was glad I didn't completely overlook.
Directed by Doug Liam and based on the Japanese novel All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka, The Edge of Tomorrow has fabulous special effects with well constructed aliens and futuristic weaponry, an edge of your seat pace that is guaranteed to keep your attention, and a very intriguing story line; in short, it's the 'perfect sci-fi movie' composition.
The story follows Major William Cage (Tom Cruise) as he finds himself on the battlefields of Europe, fighting extraterrestrial beings known as Mimics. When he dies in battle, he is shocked to find that he keeps time traveling back to the beginning of the day before to replay the events, over and over again. He continues to relive his death on the beaches until he encounters Sergeant Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt), a highly skilled leader that has much in common with Cage.
This is the best that I have seen from Tom Cruise in ages, proving that when he is in the right roles, he shines. Emily Blunt is buff, beautiful and believable as The Full Metal Bitch, not an easy combination to pull off, but she does it with style. Support roles are well cast with the likes of Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson and Noah Taylor all putting their reputable feet forward, and overall I have to say that I was impressed.
FINAL SAY: On your feet, maggot!
4 Chili Peppers