We all know what it feels like, we have all been there and people even say that these things come in threes to try and limit the amount of crap that can arrive in their lives at one time. However, things do not come in threes, they come any damn way that they want to, because the universe is totally random and unpredictable, which means that sometimes they come in tens and or even twenties. However, sometimes these things that we perceive to be obstacles or setbacks or problems are actually just signposts of change or opportunities to grow, but it's so bloody hard to see it that way when you're in the thick of it all.
The first thing that you need to do in these situations is to define what really constitutes as a disaster. To some people a flat tyre is a disaster, to others it is merely an inconvenience and then to others is it a chance to take a walk and smell the flowers. For me a flat tyre is somewhere in the middle, hardly a disaster, but not exactly a delight either. Unfortunately, most people fall into the disaster zone pretty quickly, and it is something that I am attempting to try and engage in less and less often.
For example, my car needs repairs and I need to go to hospital to have something corrected that is making me uncomfortable. Neither of these is a disaster, firstly I can pay for the repairs and medical bills and secondly I have a car and can get the medical treatment that I require immediately. That's a lot more than millions of other people in the world have, so first world squabbling about something manageable is pointless and stupid. Is it inconvenient? Sure, but so what? There's no point whining about it, let's just get it done and move on.
And pretty much all of my stuff has been inconvenient, but that's all, just inconvenient. Some of it has been my own fault actually, like the speeding ticket that I got last Friday night. I got that ticket because I was speeding, no-one told me to speed or made me speed and I didn't even need to rush to where I was going to, so that was clearly a signpost for me to slow the fuck down! I know that I am lead foot at times, and there is nothing more humbling than a hefty bill to make you ease off the accelerator. And I was going way too fast, I could have caused an accident or pranged my car, and then I would've had a disaster to contend with!
So I think that when these things do happen you need to step back and have a really good look at what is actually occuring. Ask yourself, how much of this has been created by your own choices? How much is just necessary maintenance on an abundant lifestyle? And will you even care about this in 6 weeks time? Once you've answered those questions then you can analyse your real depth of disaster or lack thereof, because most of the time everything is really pretty amazing and we do need to be grateful for those moments and not let the small inconveniences distract us from that fact.

Release Date: 2012
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 114 mins
Real life tragedy and disaster movies are always a hard watch for me, I find them so much more disturbing and harrowing than any horror movie and I usually spend half of the film with a tissue in my hand sobbing on and off and the other half shouting things out at the actors on screen like I can actually make an impact on the outcomes of the already played out storyline. And so was the case with The Impossible, lots of sobbing and lots of shouting at the screen for the duration.
The Impossible is based on a recount from the Belon family of five, who were on vacation in Thailand when the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami hit the coastline right where their holiday resort was located.
Directed by J. A. Bayona and written by Sergio G. Sanchez, this movie successfully builds tension and fear in an immersive and terrifying way. Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor and Tom Holland take on the lead roles with a lot of commitment and their distraught behaviours and genuine anguish really translates well here.
As far as disaster movies go, this is definitely one of best that I have ever seen, but I'm pretty sure that it would've had a detrimental impact on tourism to Phuket, Thailand for a while after its release; it certainly turned me off a coastal holiday for a while that's for sure.
FINAL SAY: It's a beautiful mystery, isn't it?
3.5 Chilli Peppers