Lately, I have noticed that statements like 'lack of sisterhood' have been used to shame some women when they aren't willing to support every other woman on the planet. Some stupid and ridiculous women are actually expecting that just because we all have vaginas that we should be part of a 'sisterhood' that supports each other no matter what! And to that concept I say - no way! Why do I say that? Well because, some women are quite frankly dreadful human beings. They say terrible things, they do terrible things and they do not deserve to be supported by other women. In short, some women are not doing anything to make the women's equal rights movement any stronger and they are not nice people.
Any woman that expects other women to look a certain way, or endorses a product that holds women to unrealistic standards or props up bullshit prejudices and narrow-mindedness in men, is not someone that I am going to call my sister. I will not support women that demonstrate bias, bitch about other women in derogatory ways or perform any services or acts that take away from women being perceived as equal, worthy or important. This doesn't mean that I don't value feminism or sisterhood or think that we should not support other women. What it does mean is that I hold all women accountable for their behaviours, just as I do for men, and if you're a horrible women then I'm sorry, but I'm not going to support you just because we both have the same genitals. A vagina is not a Get Out of Jail Free Card!
There is a huge difference between feminism and being accountable, and no genuine feminist would ever seek to gain power through shame or manipulation. Feminists do not expect women to fit a certain mould or hate men, feminists just want equal rights, and that I do support wholeheartedly. I will not support women that constantly put men down, imply that they are stupid or insinuate that all men are shithouse. Not all men are shithouse, and saying that does not make me anti-feminist. Not all women are nice either, and that also doesn't make me anti-feminist, it makes me a realist and I am only going to support what I believe to be sensical, fair and equitable.
Where has our common sense gone on this topic? There can never be a sisterhood if some sisters are actually the equivalent of the ebola virus for feminism. Sorry ladies, you're actually not all fabulous, some of you are just horrid, insidious, manipulative turds that are a smear on the face of feminism. Fortunately, there aren't too many of you and for the most part women are, as I said earlier, completely bloody amazing and capable of doing anything that they put their minds to.
Release Date: 2013
Rating: PG
Running Time: 112 mins
John Curran takes his hand to directing an adaptation of Robyn Davidson's memoir of the same name, chronicling the author's nine month journey across the Australian desert with four camels and a dog.
This amazing recount of Robyn's 1977 journey - beginning in Alice Springs and ending some 1,700 miles away at the Indian Ocean, is a really enjoyable watch and you will find yourself rooting for Robyn all the way.
Mia Wasikowska is wonderful as head strong Robyn, giving a truly passionate and emotional performance that demonstrates all of Robyn's incredible strength and determination. Adam Driver does a really good job of portraying the dutiful documenting National Geographic Photographer Rick; but the best scenes were those involving the local indigenous tribes-people, showcasing their unbelievable understanding of the Australian terrain and their need for privacy.
FINAL SAY: Changed the way that I see camels.
3.5 Chilli Peppers