Every job that I have undertaken over the years has helped to shape me as a person. Every employer that I have had has been unique in their own way, and every group of staff that I have worked along side of has come with their own quirks, perks and challenges for me to avoid, glean information from or completely dismiss in every way. I have loved people that I have worked with, and I have loathed people that I have worked with, it's all part of being in the workforce - some you win and some you lose.
I guess that everyone has had at least one shitty job in their lifetime, because we all have to make ends meet and that can require us to do things that we not only don't enjoy doing very much, but actually hate doing. I feel really bad for anyone that despises their job, working five days a week is tough enough without hating every minute that you are there. I don't think that I have ever really hated a job that I have had, but I have hated employers that I have worked for before, venomently. It oftens seems that a little power really goes to some people's heads, and a lot of people that are in higher profile positions get a bit of an ego with that authority and turn into assholes. Not all of course, but I have certainly seen some pretty horrific examples of power transforming once regular people into elitist dickheads in the workplace.
I once had a job as a waitress at a Ballarat restaurant, that interestingly no longer exists (surprise, surprise!) and it was probably the crappiest job that I have ever had in my life. The people that owned the business were total assholes. These two middle aged guys that thought that they were hot shit ran the business, but they also did the cooking in the kitchen, and their wives sometimes waited the tables. They seemed to be yelling about one thing or another pretty much all of the time. I recall being abused by them and the customers and being spoken down to regularly, it was just the pits. When I eventually got another a job and told them that I was giving notice I clearly remember one of my bosses actually saying, and I quote, "good, because you are useless anyway." What a fucking asshole, man I hated that dickface. Needless to say, I never worked in another restaurant ever again after that. Waitresses really do get treated like absolute shit in a lot of workplaces, so I always try to be super nice to them. I know what it's like to be spoken down to by customers and to also have a really mean boss giving you what for behind the scenes as well, and it is far from fun.
It really doesn't matter what you are doing to earn a crust, every job comes with it's challenges, from the smallest of tasks to the biggest undertakings, everyone in paid employment has their own unique set of hoops to jump through and obstacles to overcome.
I actually really like my job and my workplace, it is generally a pretty nice place to be as far as workplaces go, but even I have days that majorly suck a sav and I wonder what the hell I am doing with my life, it's normal to feel that way. All that I really know for sure, is that I would rather be working for a livivng than waiting to win the lottery any day of the week, even on the crappiest of days. I'm glad that I have job and the ability to earn my own money, because it feels good to be 'doing my bit', which is exactly what I tell myself every morning when my alarm goes off at 5.40am and I just want to roll over and go back to sleep. Besides, there are a tonne of shittier ways to earn a living, that's for sure.