This need to be left alone is often mistaken for aloofness or rudeness, and I never mean for it to come off that way, but the unfortunate side effect of needing alone time is that sometimes it can make others feel like you don't want them around.
The truth is that I really do want people around, I actually really enjoy company and crave human interaction. And just like everyone else in the world I do get really lonely sometimes too, but if I am being 100% honest, that doesn't happen very often. More often than I would like to admit, I just want to be left the hell alone. Which sounds terrible when I say it like that, but it is true. I really need to be left alone sometimes, and alone can be very, very difficult to get.
Sometimes when I need alone time, I really need alone time, and it can be quite difficult for me to get the alone time that I need and that will actually satisfy my need for aloneness. In my line of work, where I am around children all day (especially really small ones) I do find that I can get pretty depleted by the end of the day. I often try to retreat to a quiet corner of the house when I am in withdrawal mode, but find that I can rarely sustain the hiding for longer than half an hour before someone decides that they need me something and I am ferreted out of my hiding spot.
It is not good to be angry at the people you love for needing you, but sometimes it happens. Sometimes, enough is a bloody-nuff! Go work it out yourself, cook your own dinner, stop asking me for things, leave me alone! I want to shout these things from the top of my lungs, but then I would just feel guilty about it so I don't. I face the strain and keep on smiling, even though my insides may be writhing with angry feelings and annoyance and my legs want to abscond.
As an introvert, the need to be left alone can be exceptionally overwhelming, but as I said it can also make you look like such a total asshole. I often find myself daydreaming about entire weekends where no-one is around and I don't have to worry about anyone else's needs but my own, just a couple of days where the house is empty all day and night except for me. And I know that that is a completely selfish and pretty dickish thing to desire, but when you have been bombarded by humans and their needs for as long as I have, sometimes you just long for no responsibility and no pressure and especially no new input. No new input, just the sound of sounds like complete and utter bliss to me.
However, I also know that I would probably only last 24 hours and then I would start to miss everyone and would wish them all back home again anyway, but every now and then I do secretly wish that they would all just sod off for a while and leave me the hell alone!

Release Date: 2013
Rating: M
Running Time: 149 mins
An action-western directed by Gore Verbinski, and based on the 1933 radio series of the same name that outlined the adventures of a masked former Texas Ranger who fought outlaws in the Old West with his native American friend Tonto.
In this modern adaptation, Tonto (Johnny Depp) recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid (Armie Hammer), a former man of the law, into the legend of justice that he has become.
In all honesty, this film should have been about an hour shorter than it was, there is just too much going on and most of it felt unnecessary. The reason that I still put The Lone Ranger on my list is because it is really well done, and beautifully realised in every way. Johnny Depp is exceptionally good as Tonto, pretty much stealing all of the limelight from Armie Hammer, who is also very good; and the humour and action are truly great, overall it's a very good movie. It just felt too drawn out and if only it was shorter, I think it would've been better received by critics and audiences alike. Not a life changer, but a great modern adaptation of a classic tale.
FINAL SAY: Hi ho Silver, away!
3 Chilli Peppers