I have come down with some sort of dreaded lurgy that has made me feel like the four horsemen of the apocalypse have descended upon my chest and are trying to kill me from the inside out. Other than that, everything's pretty normal really.
You know how it is; bills are mounting, my little man has the pestilence along side of me, cat spewed on the floor, daughter under exam stress hell, found another grey hair, hubby exhausted from work and just wants to eat and sleep, got my period, splitting headache, kids at work off their noodles and I think I just coughed up my spleen. You know, it's all pretty regular stuff.
So what do you do when it all goes to hell in a handbag? I'll tell you what you do; you grab that bloody handbag and get yourself a couple of hearty lasses that can handle your level of plague and go out for a Thai feed and a movie, well that's what I do anyway. Just make sure it's a comedy - can't go too dark when you're feeling like a crap burger.

Release Date: 2014
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 103 mins
This film presented itself as a comedy, but in truth it is also a drama. It's one of those crowd pleaser movies where everyone can identify with at least one character because they have covered every angle in a 'typical' family dynamic. The cast is an even spread of talented and genuinely funny individuals including Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Adam Driver, Rose Byrne and Jane Fonda's tits.
When their father passes away, four adult siblings are coerced by their mother to fulfill his final wish, which is to have them all together again for one week in their family home. Over the course of the week they are forced to re-connect with each other, confront their pasts, deal with the realities of their lives and of course, mourn the loss of their father.
This movie is continually shifts from comedy to tragedy mode, probably more so than any other film I have seen. I was literally laughing and then ten minutes later crying only to start laughing again five minutes later! It is funny, it is also tender and although it doesn't have a big or even new story to tell, it was an enjoyable watch for me. A little fluff can go a long way.
FINAL SAY: It is hard to see people from your past when your present is so cataclysmically screwed up!
3 Chili Peppers