I would much prefer to talk about all of the times that a sequel or trilogy produced something that was just as good as the original - and dare I say it, sometimes even better! Yes, it is true, that some sequels and sometimes trilogies (and even beyond; which is rare but has happened) can be just as good, if not better than, their predecessor offerings. And I have to say that I get mighty excited when things like this happen.
Whenever I enter the cinema to watch a second coming I never, not ever, expect for it to be great. So you can imagine my surprise and delight when they get the formula right and deliver something fabulous all over again. Impossible you say? I think not, check out these incredible feats of cinematic trilogy and sequel genius -no seriously, you should really check them out, they're actually all very good movies!
- The Godfather: Arguably the best movie trilogy that has ever been made and certainly one of the best that I've ever seen.
- Toy Story: All four of them are great, all four of them! This is so rare that it is literally unheard of. If you've somehow missed these, see them immediately.
- Lord Of The Rings (Trilogy): I've said it a thousand times, these three movies are epic. All Hale King Jackson!
- The Hobbit(Trilogy): More Jackson gold, not as good as LOTR, but still epic.
- John Wick: There have been three of these so far, and they just keep getting better and better, and Keanu gets sexier and sexier as well - bonus!
- The Indiana Jones trilogy: Yeah I know that there were four of them, but the first three were the best and you know it too!
- Before Midnight: The final film in the trilogy, with the first two being Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. These are some of the best and most realistic romance films ever made, and each installment gets more involved.
- Three Colours: Blue, Red and White: These fabulous french/polish language films are loosely based on the three political ideals in the motto of the French republic: liberty, equality, fraternity, and they're all excellent.
- Terminator 2: Judgement Day: The first one was great, but the second one was bad ass, CGI effects heaven in 1991.
- Aliens: Yep, loved the original Alien with all of my heart, but kick ass Ripley saving the day in Aliens was so damn good!
- Blade Runner 2049: So good, and in my opinion better than the original in storyline.
- Paddington 2: Probably the best sequel of 2017, it was just so damn adorable!
- The Dark Knight: Heath Ledger's performance elevated the Batman movies to new and great heights- amazing!
- Thor: Ragnarok: Funnier, faster and way more enjoyable than any of the other Thor films.
- Logan: The Wolverine franchise swan song was so, so good - it made my best of 2017 film list because it's really intelligent and deeply moving.
- Insidious 2: A perfect follow up to the very creepy first offering, some consistently excellent horror film making here.
- Deadpool 2 - I love the Deadpool movies, they are so naughty and tongue in cheek, they're winners all round for me.
- Creep 2 - More Mark Duplass weirdness! Creep 2 is a really good and consistent follow on to the first Creep film.
- Kill Bill Vol 2 - Every bit as good as Kill Bill vol 1, I actually liked the second instalment more than the first, but I know that many would argue this with me.
- Hellboy 2 - The Golden Army: Even better than the first Hellboy, loads more fantastic creatures and heaps of action packed fun.
- Manon Des Sources: The second installment of the French language movie Jean De Florette is unforgettable material that shouldn't be missed.
- Avengers: Endgame: A perfect ending to an incredible franchise and the best super sequel that has ever been made. Hall of Fame material!
- Mad Max: Fury Road: This modern take on Mad Max was an unmissable fuel injected adrenaline rush and made my best of 2015 list.
- T2 Trainspotting: A mature and contemplative revisit to the lads twenty years on, very interesting.
- The Conjuring 2 - The Enfield Haunting: Totally freaked me out, that bloody nun is scary as all shit! Way more scares than the first Conjuring offering.
- The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2: Just as good as Vol 1 in every way, just as funny, action packed and entertaining.
- An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power: If you're still in denial about global warming then watch Al Gore's second offering about the subject and get on board with feeling very uncomfortable and worried about the planet.
- Zombieland: Double Tap: More hack and slash zombie killing with the old gang, what's not to like?

Release Date: 2019
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 99 mins
Ten years on from the original Zombieland offering, director Ruben Fleischer manages to reunite the original ensemble cast to deliver another zombie hack and slash horror-comedy that is just as enjoyable as it's predecessor.
Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock have found themselves a safe haven at the abandoned White House in Washington DC. And whilst the older members of the group are revelling in their new and relaxed seclusion, the youngest of the group Little Rock becomes restless and forces the group to leave the safety of the White House when she decides to leave in search of other survivors.
Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin all bring a consistent energy to the movie, and newcomers Rosario Dawson and Luke Wilson are great additions to the cast. However for me, Zoey Deutch who plays the dumb blond (Madison) completely steals the show here and had me laughing out loud more than a few times.
Just like the first installment it's nutty and silly, with a high zombie kill count. I genuinely appreciated the 'evolution of the zombie' storyline arc and had a lot of fun watching this. Zombieland: Double Tap is some seriously goofy and unmissable undead fun.
FINAL SAY: Enjoy the little things.
3.5 Chilli Peppers