I initially made a commitment to get back to my healthy weight range in early March and three months later I have only lost 2 kilos. Don't get me wrong, two kilos is better than no kilos, but its a lot slower than I had envisioned and if I had the moxie to fully commit, I would've already reached my goal by now. However, I cannot deny that I have no-one to blame but myself for still having the best part of 8 kilos to shed before December; I have only given this a half-hearted go, and at times I have been downright flippant and self indulgent. It is super easy to snack outside of meal times, have a little dessert or treat in the evening or drink my body in weight in cocktails and whiskey on a night out, none of which will shed kilos or boost metabolism. And things have to change.
So, with just over six months to go, I have to stop the bullshit, get serious and really commit if I want to see any sort of result this year. It's only 8 kilos for fuck sake, how hard can it be? LOL! Talk about famous last words, everyone knows that the last 10 kilos of weight loss are the hardest to achieve, so I am being realistic about the fact that this last leg of the race with my wellbeing is probably going to require the most fortitude and effort. Everyone knows its always darkest before the dawn, and clearly my wayward and tepid efforts have only gotten me 2 kilos of movement in 3 months, so if I want to get to my goal by Christmas, well I need to double down on the effort now. No more shitty eating and drinking for me, time to get serious and cut the portions.
Never fear, I still won't be resorting to cuckoo methods or diabolical extremes, just being more consistent and mindful about food and the way that I deal with it. Consistency is what I need, not the fits and spurts that I have given over so far. Time to roll up the sleeves, dig down and get it sorted and the first thing I am doing is distracting myself from food by setting myself a 31 day poetry challenge. Poetry? What the hell, how's that going to help? I hear you cry; yes poetry, that's what I said - POETRY!
I don't need more activity, because I do yoga and walk 10,000 steps a day, that's enough movement. I don't need more zen because I meditate and write in my journal every day. I don't need more hobbies because I blog, watch movies and TV, read, take French lessons, garden, road trip, brain train, cook and entertain friends in my free time; so I don't have a lot more space for anything big to fit into my routine. However, I have always loved to write poetry and have been doing it on and off since I was about 7 years old. I have loads of old poetry journals and even have a collection of drunk poetry that I only write when I am shitfaced, and they are so funny and ridiculous!
Anyway, I am taking on a poetry challenge, where I have to write a piece of poetry everyday for a month about a chosen topic. Instead of reaching for a snack, I will be reaching for a pen. And I don't have to decide what to write about, I just have to write it, in any way that I want, as long or as short as I feel. The topics are outlined below:
- Happy Things
- Regret
- A memory
- Home
- Joy
- Space
- From me to you
- Goals
- A letter
- Growth
- Precious
- For myself
- A quote
- Colours
- Time
- Words
- A scent
- Goner
- Fake
- A Season
- Secrets
- Anger
- Eternity
- Laughter
- Addiction
- Reality
- Lover
- Release
- A Lie
- Hope
- Favourite

Release Date: 2002
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 125 mins
A biographical drama film directed by Julie Taymor which depicts the professional and private life of surreal Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Through intimate storytelling and visually striking events we are given a candid view of Frida's larger then life persona and passion for the arts.
At only 18 years of age Frida Kahlo suffered a traumatic injury that would plague her for the rest of her life, however it did not stop the talented and vivacious woman from living her best life and creating magnificent works of art.
Salma Hayek is a vision as Frida Kahlo, a role that saw her nominated for an Academy Award and to date this is still my favourite role that I have ever seen Hayek portray. Alfred Molina is also excellent as Frida's life partner Diego Rivera and the cast is well supported by cinema heavyweights like Geoffrey Rush as Trotsky and Antonio Banderas as Siquerios.
From the colourful interludes, the brilliant soundtrack and the genuinely interesting storyline, Frida is a movie about art that is actually a work of art itself!
FINAL SAY: I had two big accidents in my life Diego, the trolley and you.
3.5 Chilli Peppers