Really stupid!
It makes them hang onto shit that they should've dumped years ago, it gives them justification for all of their bullshit and gives assholes a neat spot to hang their hats upon.
It is true that love makes even the most rational people idiotic, but pride makes them intolerable. Pride makes people believe they are more qualified, more important and all too often makes them completely ignorant of their own short comings.
Stupid pride!
What is it about that feeling? Is it really that dignified to be so wrapped up in your own achievements and self satisfaction? Is it ever wise to make decisions based on the upholding of tradition or self made honor? Too much pride is really just ego and narcissism wrapped up in a package labelled pride, but maybe it should just be labelled self-glorification or snobbery.
Pride, it can blind you.
Pride stops people from saying "I made a mistake" or "I need help" or God forbid "I don't know." It's a deadly sin for a reason, because pride will make you an A grade dick if you let it.
Screw stupid pride, who needs it? Not me. I hardly know anything, I fuck up constantly and need loads of help....loads.
If only I could bring myself to ask for it.........AHHHH - fuck off pride!
Release Date: 2013
Rating: M
Running Time: 98 mins
Woody Allen raises the bar again for himself with Blue Jasmine. Love him or hate him, he knows how to capture the dramatics of the feminine mystique perfectly and there is loads of drama to be had here.
When Jasmine's marriage breaks down and her husband is uncovered to be a crook, she has a nervous breakdown and turns to her estranged sister for support. Arriving in San Fransisco with her Vuitton luggage and immaculate grooming, but not a penny to her name; Jasmine is looking to reinvent herself and quickly land back on her feet by leaving the past behind her.
Cate Blanchett is mesmerising as Jasmine French, the vile and delusional Park Avenue socialite. Alec Baldwin is strong as husband Hal, Andrew Dice Clay was perfectly cast as Augie and Sally Hawkins stole some hard to catch limelight as Jasmine's sister Ginger.
FINAL SAY: Grab a stoli with a twist of lemon.
4 Chili Peppers