I feel a lot like a manic clown at a weird circus trying to keep too many balls up in the air at the moment, it just feels like there is a shit load going on around me at the minute and I just want to go to bed and pull the doona over my head and wake in a weeks time when it is all over.
Finished work on Friday, which was awesome, two weeks off, no complaints there. But I just have a billion things happening in the next week like Zoe's 18th and catching up with my sister in Melbourne before she leaves for Kabul, which are both bitter sweet events when you think about it, and there is also a lot of other things happening that are not any fun and are stressing me out.
Zoe becoming an adult is certainly a yin and yang of emotions for me, but the idea of her going for her license in four days time is freaking me out majorly. You would think that I was going for it myself because I'm so worried. And I keep overthinking everything to do with her special day, the cake, the dinner venue, the gifts...BLAHHHHHH. What's wrong with me?
And meeting up in Melbourne with my sisters, definitely fun, but my sister is leaving for Afghanistan, seriously NOT fun! Seriously concerning actually, so I have some anxiety about that too. What do you say to someone that you're fare-welling to go to a place like that? "Well, I will catch you later, try not to get blown up or shot while you're there?" Jesus Christ, what the fuck am I gonna say?
I am just not thinking straight and have over booked myself to the hilt with numerous other obligatory commitments this week, like the nutter that I am, and now I am having some small palpitations about getting it to all come together without any major malfunctions or hiccups. Not a lot of room for error here. Pulling the doona over my head is not an option, but it is a desire. Deep breaths...be cool.
Thought I'd distract myself from my mental state of mind and watch something to escape reality for a bit, boy oh boy, did I make a bad choice.

Release Date: 2015
Rating: M
Running Time: 127 mins
If you should find yourself encountering this movie at any time in your life, run... run away very fast in the opposite direction.
I can't even really tell you what it's about because I had to turn it off when I started to get a nose bleed from the brain aneuresym that I suffered because of it's fucking annoying story line and the unnecessary need for Channing Tatum to become inexplicably shirtless about an hour in.
I know that it was super heavy on the CGI, super low on story quality and easily one of the worst Sci-Fi fantasies that I have ever encountered.
FINAL SAY: Rancid crap!
0 Chili Peppers