Everything seems twenty times harder when you're not feeling very well and I had really forgotten just how bloody inconvenient illness is. Even the simplest of tasks can appear to be pretty insurmountable when your rocking around feeling like a crap sandwich; I seriously have a newfound respect for people that suffer from ongoing health complications, it is just so bloody awful being sick!
It is pretty easy to take your health and wellbeing for granted, which I was clearly doing because I was completely bowled over by how ridiculously weak and exhausted I became over such a short amount of time. I went from having the constitution of a clydesdale horse to being as weak as a kitten over a few short weeks and it wasn't the most pleasant experience that I have ever had, I can tell you that.
I can't even recall another time in my life when I slept as much as I did in the last three weeks. I reckon I was giving grannies a run for their money with the amount of snoozing I was putting in. Never before have I spent every night after dinner on the couch, falling asleep with my head on Craig's lap by 8pm and having to get him to 'put me to bed' like I was an infant! What a sad-o! And then, to add insult to injury, I wasn't even able to get up in the morning at the other end because I still felt like I was tired. It was so crapola! I didn't do anything interesting or fun for days and days; just work, eat and sleep (and whine - I did a fair amount of that). What a sad existence it was!
Well I am sure glad to be leaving all of that behind in the rear view mirror; and if that was a glimpse into what old age is going to be like, then I am NOT looking forward to it one bit! I think that it is important to build up your health and general wellbeing while you're still young enough to do it, because the prospect of sleeping away my latter years and mostly feeling lousy and weak does not appeal to me at all. If anything, this sickness has made me super determined to get my health into really good order, because I really don't want another serve of whatever it was that I have just had, or anything like it, ever again!

Release Date: 2007
Rating: R 18+
Running Time: 114 mins
Easily the best of the Grindhouse offerings, this is a slice of retro brilliance from Tarantino. The unconventional techniques used in this film will transport you straight back the 1970's with it's rough cutaways and gritty film quality. The costumes and soundtrack add greatly to the general vibe of the movie, giving it an all around unsettling polish that works perfectly.
The story follows the events of two separate groups of girls as they are pursued by the psychopathic Stuntman Mike, portrayed with a creepy cool by Kurt Russell. Russell does a stellar job in this clear come back role, bringing all of the maniacal behaviours of Mike to reality in a gripping and hypnotic fashion.
The movie is teaming with sexy starlets, it wouldn't be Grindhouse if it wasn't, but it also has a wonderful 'power to the women' element that should not be overlooked. Stunt woman Zoe Bell will impress every man in the audience with her game of "Ship's Mast" and Vanessa Ferlito will have them shifting in their seats with her lap dance to The Coasters Down in Mexico.
FINAL SAY: Butterfly. The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
4 Chilli Peppers