By learning about the different forms of self care, we can better arm ourselves with an ability to recognise when we are moving into personal crisis or neglect, and how to fill the voids in our self care routines when they do occur.
A terrific article from categorizes self care into six main types:
1. Physical Self Care
This is an awareness of your physical body and what it needs to thrive. Exercise, rest and clean food. It does not need to be vigorous or intense to be effective, aim for consistent and enjoyable long term activities, healthy diet choices and adequate sleep to improve your physical self care.
2. Emotional Self Care
Become mindful of your emotions, listen to your feelings and recognizing patterns, triggers or obstacles to your ability to remain calm, focused and happy. Writing in a journal, being artistic, dancing or being creative are just some ways that you can express and develop your emotional awareness and self care.
3. Spiritual Self Care
This doesn't need to be religious or rigid to be meaningful. Anything that brings you closer to the essence of yourself is nourishing your spiritual self care. It could be doing charity work, being more mindful, taking up meditation, walking in nature; there are lots of ways to strive for more inner awareness.
4. Intellectual Self Care
We all need new challenges to invigorate and nourish us mentally. Anything that will expand your knowledge and awareness falls into this category, from reading a book or watching a documentary to taking up a class or learning a new language, you'll be expanding yourself and meeting your intellectual needs.
5. Social Self Care
Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, people need people. You do need to spend time with other people and have meaningful connections with loved ones, so make plans to get together with people that you enjoy spending time with. Catching up, going out for dinner, meeting for coffee or going to the movies is not only an escape from the norm, it's social self care and it's important to your wellbeing.
6. Sensory Self Care
Nourish your senses and send healing stimuli to your brain, sensory care is so deeply fulfilling. Through sight, smell, touch, sound and taste you can reinvigorate yourself. Listen to some soothing music, light a scented candle, eat a delicious meal, get a massage, go for a barefoot walk in the park and please don't forget to always stop and smell the roses!
All forms of self care are equally as important as each other and you should endeavour to not neglect your needs in any area. Listen to your body, listen to your soul, listen to your may sound corny but you are actually sending yourself small but not insignificant messages about your needs all of the time and you just need to be quiet enough to hear them. Self care matters because you matter, and it is neither selfish nor self indulgent to take care of yourself, so listen carefully to your self care needs and learn how to be kinder to yourself.

Release Date: 2019
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 115 mins
A Netflix Original science fiction thriller, directed by newcomer Grant Sputore, that totally surprised me with it's impressive attention to detail, high quality acting and interesting storyline.
Mother is a robot that oversees the maintenance and care of a human embryo bunker in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Mother personally raises one of the embryos, which becomes a well balanced, ethical teenager that she calls Daughter. They form a bond based on trust and respect, but when a human arrives from the wastelands outside, their idyllic and peaceful lifestyle in the bunker becomes compromised.
I thought that this was a genuinely tense and intriguing science fiction movie. The bunker's futuristic set design looks really terrific, the robot Mother (voiced by Rose Byrne) is extremely well thought-out and the other human characters (Hilary Swank and Clara Rugaard) manage to propel the story along very convincingly.
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how good this movie actually was and I found that I was definitely invested in the outcomes when I arrived at that kicker of an ending.
FINAL SAY: This woman doesn't care about any future but her own.
3.5 Chilli Peppers