When it comes to humour there are actually nine different types of funny, and trust me when I tell you that some of these are not going to appeal to you at all, because hardly anyone like every type of humour. You will have experienced them all at one point or another, and you will instantly know which one's are your cup of tea as you read through the list.
1. Physical Humour: Also referred to as slapstick. This category covers every physical form of humour from clowns and mimes to funny faces and even people falling over and hurting themselves like they do in the Funniest Home Video franchise or Jackass.
2. Self Deprecating: Favoured among stand up comedians, this is when people make themselves the butt of the joke or put themselves down for a laugh. Memes are filled with this kind of humour.
3. Surreal: This stuff is weird and can appear to be totally illogical, nonsensical and absurd. Think Monty Python or The Mighty Boosh and you'll be in the right wheelhouse of humour.
4. Improvisational: Who's Line is Anyway? comes to mind immediately here. It's people attempting to be funny on the spot by making it up as they go along.
5. Wit-Wordplay: A play on words that involves changing language to create something witty and clever, eg. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? He pasta away, his legacy became a pizza history.
6. Topical: Pop culture references, news and current events are manipulated and re-enacted to be satirically humorous. Saturday Night Live has been doing this well for a very long time.
7. Observational: Jerry Seinfeld made a fortune out of discussing just how funny the most mundane events, occurrences and moments can be.
8. Body Functions: Yep, it was bound to come up. Fart, poo, wee and spew jokes, they happen and kids (and big kids) love them.
9. Dark: Sometimes nasty in origin and the easiest of all humour types to offend or be misinterpreted for cruelty. Ricky Gervais has been in the hot seat many times for his dark humour style.
Unsurprisingly, people with higher IQ's find physical and body function humour the least appealing and among 200 people polled on eHarmony, the most popular humour among singles appears to be physical humour and the least is dark humour. Older people find everything less funny across the board, which basically means that the older that you get the less laughs you have, which is a little concerning really.
Personally, I love humour and comedy is one of my favourite genres. I like most types of humour but can live without bodily function jokes, but can also tolerate them in moderation as well; and I am not adverse to a dirty joke at all. I enjoy getting together to watch comedy with other people because a shared laugh is definitely my favourite kind of laugh, and I cannot deny that I do enjoy making other people laugh when the opportunity arises as well. Laughter is so damn good for the soul, so however you take your humour, make sure that you are getting enough of it in your life.

Release Date: 2019
Rating: M
Running Time: 94 mins
This female-centred remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels got an absolute smashing from critics, and I can see why, it's hardly a game changer. However, I did laugh out loud at the cinema when I saw this (on more than one occasion actually) and I did like the onscreen banter between Rebel Wilson and Anne Hathaway. So, if it is an easy, amusing and mostly silly comedy that you are looking for then I think that The Hustle ticks all of those boxes.
Two female con artists, one a loud and obnoxious Australian and the other a refined and cunning British beauty decide to join forces to an attempt to fleece wealthy men of their money.
Perhaps the world has already tired of Rebel Wilson's one note performances, but I haven't yet, and I actually thought that she was genuinely amusing as Penny the annoying and persistent con artist. Anne Hathaway gets to flounce about in lavish outfits looking divine and talking like Eliza Doolittle (which is mentioned during the movie), and the whole thing is one fast moving hot mess that for some reason I quite enjoyed.
Don't let the critics deceive you, this is more than watchable stuff that you will get a laugh out of.
FINAL SAY: Men underestimate us, so that is what we use.
3 Chilli Peppers