I really cannot thank my regular readers enough for their continued check ins, and I can't even begin to tell you how deeply therapeutic and comforting this blog has actually been for me. I really have poured my heart and soul into Spicywatch, some of my blog entries are incredibly personal; clearly I am far more comfortable with writing about my life than I am with talking about it, so it has been really lovely to have the keyboard tell my story for me over the the past two years.
I like to believe that somewhere out there someone may read Spicywatch and feel inspired; not just to watch a decent movie, but also feel inspired to write a blog themselves, or to just feel like they are not alone if they have shared a feeling with me. When I started Spicywatch I did it for myself, never thinking that anyone would actually ever read the shit that I bang on with, so again I cannot thank my readers enough for the massive boost to my esteem that they give to me when they check back in every now and again. I don't know exactly who you are, but I know that some of you do return, and that is just the absolute best feeling that anyone with their own blog can hope to receive - a returning audience.
So with the warm and fuzzies flowing for Spicywatch, I gathered a few gal pals together on the weekend to toast two years of my movie blogging history. In the spirit of 'all good things come in twos', I encouraged my guests to share their favourite romance, duo or twosome movie clips, and thankfully my friends had enough taste to not torture me with Pretty Woman or Titanic clips. So we ate 'red' romance themed foods and we talked about classic romance movie scenes and great movie couples and duos, and I just couldn't resist tossing in the cheekiest 'sexy' couple clip that I could find.
If you haven't seen the sex scene in this film yet, you're robbing yourself of some seriously quality viewing - it's absolute gold!

Release Date: 2004
Rating: R 18+
Running Time: 98 mins
Matt Parker and Trey Stone take their politically incorrect humour to higher heights with the insanity of Team America. This satire movie takes a stab at big budget action movies with all of their cliches and stereotypes, whilst emphasizing the global implications of the politics surrounding the USA at the time of its creation. The cast is composed of Thunderbird like marionette puppets, adding greatly to the visual humour as they clumsily parade around the screen.
When North Korean ruler Kim Jong-il orchestrates a global terror plot, it is up to the heavily armed marionettes of the elite Team America: World Police unit to stop it. With the assistance of a well trained thespian named Gary, they literally face off against their foes, including a group of Hollywood liberals called F.A.G. (Film Actors Guild) that are at odds with Team America's mission.
I cried with laughter over this movie, it is hilariously funny. This is poignant, clever satire at its absolute best, Parker and Stone have managed to pull off a sly, violent and vulgar story line with nothing but puppets and miniature sets. It is completely unique and utterly hysterical, a definite must see comedy.
FINAL SAY: You remember the signal?
4 Chili Peppers