My son Seth was with me and at one point while we were both gazing out at the yard in complete raptures he turned to me and said 'God the world is an amazing place isn't it?' To which I had to reply, 'yes...yes it really is.' We sat there for a good 30 minutes not really saying anything, just basking in the wonder of that peaceful falling snow. It was so lovely and it got me thinking about all of the incredible things that I love most about the world, the little things that are easily taken for granted that actually make life pretty great. Little but not at all insignificant things like:
- Looking down on the clouds from a plane window.
- Laughing until you actually cry.
- Eating biscuits that are still warm from the oven.
- Excellent coffee and a good book in bed on a Sunday morning.
- The first tingle of sunshine on your shoulders in Summer.
- Watching the snow fall outside from the comfort of your couch under a blanket.
- Meditating with your cat napping in your lap.
- The first BBQ of the Summer.
- Road trips with awesome people to places you've never been before.
- New art supplies and blank canvases.
- Eating a piece of fruit that you just picked off a tree, vine or bush.
- Fresh linen, straight off the line and onto your bed.
- Hearing a song that gets you or your mood.
- Galleries, museums, parks and public gardens.
- Watching electrical storms on the deck with a glass of good whiskey on a Summer night.
- Meeting people who like the same movies/ TV and or music as you.
- Smells that spark good memories of people or places.
- Long, hot, 'thinking time' showers.
- When the curtains open at the start of a theatre performance.
- Sunsets, sunrises, full moons and starry nights.
- A brand new journal at the beginning of a new year.
- Long dinners, cocktails and catch ups with friends.
- Walking in deciduous forests in Autumn as the leaves fall around you.
- Collecting wildflowers or wild mushrooms from the bush.
- Cosy naps and recharging deep sleeps.
- Watching a really sad movie and having a really good cry.
- Kisses on the forehead and long hugs.
- Remembering the really awesome dream that you had last night.
- Laughing about an 'in' joke with a friend or family member.
- The creak of big old trees moving around on windy days.
- Looking through old photos with family members and reminiscing.
- The way that the sand feels under your feet when you stand at the edge of the sea and let the waves roll over the tops of your feet.
Swings, photo booths, record players, really good croissants, ugg boots, freshly squeezed juice, flowers in the cracks of footpaths, fireworks, trees in blossom, vintage fashion, fresh bread with butter, flannelette PJ's, yoga, bonfires, antique jewellery, bubble baths, comfy sneakers, second hand book stalls, fresh pasta, Fridays, comfy pillows, getting tipsy, waterfalls and mixed lollies.
Yes, yes and yes! The world really is an amazing place and all of the little things just it make it all the more awesome. I feel completely inspired after writing that list, so think I'll go and do something awesome right now!

Release Date: 2020
Rating: PG
Running Time: 92 mins
A computer-animated film directed by Kris Pearn and co-directed by Rob Lodermeier, that was based on the book of the same name by Lois Lowry. The Willoughbys delivers an enjoyable romp into the silly and extremely dysfunctional world of the Willoughby family.
The Willoughbys were once a proud and adventurous family, but that was long ago. The current Willoughby monarchs are self indulgent twits who neglect and mistreat their own children. However, the four Willoughby children are very resourceful and they hatch a plan to rid themselves of their dreadful parents forever.
This is a truly whimsical tale that although mainly silly, still has a genuinely heartfelt message about family loyalty and acceptance. As I watched, I couldn't help thinking about how much Roald Dahl would have really loved this movie with it's ingenious children and dastardly parents, there is definitely a touch of Dahl humour in here.
Ricky Gervais adds levity as the narrator (who is also the family cat - get over it!) and Will Forte, Maya Rudolph, Terry Crews, Jane Krakowski and Martin Short bring loads of oddball charm to their unusual characters with their strong voice acting skills.
Sure it's a bit all over the shop and for the most part the crazy is set to high, but that's all part of this movie's charm, so just sit back and go with it, it's a pretty fun ride.
FINAL SAY: What's in the box? And can we empty it so I can sit in it?
3.5 Chilli Peppers