Somebody tell me, why did we need to remake the Spiderman movies? Really, why is that happening? The first lot were perfectly good and interesting. And what the hell is with all of The Avenger spin off films? Thor, Captain America and Iron Man have way too many films floating around, many of which I am sorry to say, actually put me to sleep.
What began as an exciting trip to the cinema to see something 'super' has now become so heavily overloaded that everyone on the face of the planet has assisted in lining Stan Lee's already bulging pockets. Do we really need so many superhero movies? I mean I am getting a bit jaded these days, picking and choosing and judging, because when it's not on at the cinema it's on TV as well. Agents of SHIELD, Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, Gotham....groan....when will it all end? Every superhero that has ever been thought of has had a crack at it now, even the crappy ones like Green Lantern, Ghost Rider and The Punisher have had their own movies, none of which was any chop mind you.
Movie producers have literally gone bonkers with the knowledge that superhero movies get bums on seats, so much so that they are even pitting superheros against each other, I mean Batman vs Superman? Come on! Why did they even have to go there? Superman isn't even human for god sake, he's super in the most super of ways, you can't match him up against Batman for god sake! A guy with some really cool gadgets and a hot car against an alien that can fly, stop bullets and speeding locomotives, not to mention his x-ray vision? Pu-leez! Is that a fair match up anyway? Did they even watch Man of Steel or The Batman Trilogy before they came to the decision to make this bundle of crap? Who cares if the fans want it? It's shit, it's unnecessary shit! Couldn't we have donated the money that has gone into making these epic shit-piles to feeding the hungry or something? That sounds like a super idea to me!
And just when I thought that I could stand it no longer, and was about to boycott all comic book heroes forever, along came this ray of sunshine into my life and I had to shut my face, shut it hard - because I fricken loved it!
Damn you Stan Lee and your bloody brilliant mind, you've sucked me back in again. It's like Godfather 3 all over again! Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

Release Date: 2016
Rating: R 18+
Running Time: 108 mins
Just when my tolerance for 'super' related movie material was at an all time low, Deadpool comes along and smashes my preconceived ideas and delivers far beyond my expectations.
Slick, smart and incredibly funny, Deadpool comes on strong with it's vulgar humour, gratuitous violence and thrilling pace, breathing some much needed life back into the comic-book 'superhero' genre.
Former Special Forces Agent Wade Wilson undergoes a ruthless and rogue experimentation process that transforms him into Deadpool; a hideous and hilarious anti-hero seeking to destroy the man who ruined his life.
There is nothing revolutionary in terms of story line here, it's a tried and true superhero formula that we've all seen a million times before, but it's the way that it's delivered that gives it so much kick. When Deadpool isn't breaking through the 4th wall, he's cracking skulls and cracking jokes at a dizzying rate, and the humour is funny, really, really funny.
Ryan Reynolds shines as Deadpool, a role that he is perfectly cast in and delivering on completely. It was good to see Morena Baccarin back onscreen again, after she virtually vanished following the Firefly fiasco, and she does a fine job of playing Deadpool's love interest.
Overall, expect to be amused and high entertained, the pop culture references are laid on as as thick as the sexy poses and the blood spattering making it wild and unabashed and totally unmissable.
FINAL SAY: I'm touching myself tonight.
4 Chili Peppers