Craig and I have finally managed to reign in the terror that was our yard, which was rapidly looking like a set from Jurassic World and after about 4 hours of cutting, hacking, mowing and weeding, we have a beautiful yard again. Woohoo - go team!
I have also managed to review a heap of movies on my site, update my art journal, prepare a swag of things that needed to be done for next week (so that I am actually ahead of the game for once), groom my veggie patch, kick start my PMP reports, bake a batch of brownies, cook a roast, get all of my laundry under control and even wasted two hours gaming with Seth on the Playstation. Mum of the fricken year or what?
I love a productive weekend, admittedly I am a bit stuffed now, but I am feeling ready for the coming week. I feel like the fog of illness and melancholy has truly gone and with a whiff of Spring in the air, I am looking forward to brighter days ahead.

Release Date: 2009
Rating: PG
Running Time: 90 mins
I was so pleasantly surprised by this film, I wasn't holding out a lot of hope given the odd title, but this movie was actually loads of fun to watch and really very funny. Based on the children's book of the same name by Judi and Ron Barrett, this science fiction computer-animation film is clever and engaging.
A wannabe scientist and inventor named Flint Lockwood struggles with his many failed experiments, his technophobic widowed father and the terrible small town attitudes of Swallow Falls. However, when he invents the FLDSMDFR (Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator) and food starts to rain from the skies, he becomes an overnight success. With the high demand for raining foods, Flint over uses his invention and the food begins to mutate and take on a life of it's own.
A fabulous cast has voiced all of the main characters including Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan and Bruce Campbell; and I especially enjoyed Neil Patrick Harris' character Steve the Monkey who communicates through a 'Speak and Spell' translator.
Having seen the sequel Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, I can assure you that none of the momentum from the first instalment has been lost, and it it equally as enjoyable as the first. Bottom line is, that these are fast paced, witty animations that are just plain good fun.
FINAL SAY: Have you ever felt like you were a little bit different?
3.5 Chili Peppers