It really is a massive problem having a big gob like I do and saying too much, and the worst part of all is that you can't take any of it back. Words can never be unsaid, rewound, unravelled or removed once they have been spoken, and sometimes the fallout of their impact can never be undone either. I have learnt over the years that it is far better to just say nothing at all than to say something mean, unkind or inappropriate.
And it was in the spirit of last words that I started pondering about what I would say if I knew that it was the very last thing that I would ever say in my lifetime. And before you start thinking that I have too much time on my hands (which I clearly do) it turns out that a lot of other people have thought about this as well because there is a huge list of famous people's last words on the internet (if you can believe that they are really true that is). Mind you some of them aren't actually the person's last words, they're just the last thing that they were ever heard saying, so their real last words were probably something more like 'Oh fuck I'm actually dying!' and we would never really know. Nevertheless here are a couple of rippers that I really enjoyed reading:
- Frank Sinatra - I'm losing it.
- Margaret Sanger (Birth Control advocate) - A party, let's have a party!
- Nostradamus - Tomorrow, at sunrise, I shall no longer be here.
- Leonardo da Vinci - I have offended god and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.
- Richard Feynman - This dying is boring.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - (to his wife) You are wonderful.
- Michael Landon - You're right, its time. I love you all.
- Eugene O'Neill - I knew it! I knew it! Born in a hotel room and goddamnit, dying in a hotel room.
- Jack Soo - It must've been the coffee.
- Groucho Marx - This is no way to live.
- Emily Dickinson - I must go in, for the fog is rising.
- James Brown - I'm going away tonight.
- Steve Jobs - Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.
However, the chances of actually formulating something exceptional, memorable or poignant on your deathbed are honestly extremely unlikely, so my best advice is that if you've got something really important to say then I think that you owe it to world to say it well before the day that you actually leave. As long as it's nice! Just saying!

Release Date: 2010
Rating: M
Running Time: 101 mins
A comedy-drama and coming of age tale, adapted from Ned Vizzini's 2006 novel of the same name and written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. It's Kind of a Funny Story finds its strength in its talented cast, who deliver a quirky and entertaining look into mental illness and relationships.
After contemplating suicide, stressed out teen Craig Gilner decides to admit himself into a psychiatric ward in an attempt to pick up some life management skills.
This is a touching and hopeful tale about people finding themselves and each other within the walls of the psychiatric ward. Zach Galifianakis, Viola Davis, Emma Roberts and Zoe Kravitz all bring some clout and credibility to the story, but it is Keir Gilchrist who steals the show with all of his teenage awkwardness and uncertainty.
The movie tastefully touches on depression, suicide, withdrawal and social anxiety without feeling cheesy or contrived, and although it isn't necessarily a game changer, it is enjoyable and delivers a positive message for overwhelmed teenagers.
FINAL SAY: I'd just live. Like it meant something.
3 Chilli Peppers