When it comes to embracing the whole self, first and fore mostly you have to focus on how far you've already come in this life rather than how far you believe that you still have to go. Instead of comparing yourself to anyone else, compare yourself to your old self. By doing that you will start to gain a very clear picture about how much you have changed. Who were you ten years ago? Five year ago? Or even one year ago? Odds are that you have done some pretty significant evolving, you'll not be the same person that you were and you will have learned a lot along the way.
You may have grown physically stronger, collected more skills, gained better health or wellbeing, become a kinder and more patient person, the potential list is endless really. However, I guarantee that if you really start to look, you'll see that you have actually come quite a long way and you are definitely a better version of yourself now that you used to be. Breathe that in for a minute and think about what that is going to look like in another year from now, or in five years or ten years, assuming that you stay on the same trajectory. Pretty good right? You're on your way, embrace that. Being able to focus on how far you've come is the beginning of embracing of the self.
Next, and I know that I've said this before, but I'm saying it again, get rid of the word perfect and replace it with better. Striving to be better is plausible, admirable and healthy and will bring you closer to embracing yourself than any push for perfection. Perfection is bullshit, it does not exist. No matter how far you get, the bar will just continue to raise if you are seeking perfection. You will constantly feel inadequate and you will find yourself on a treadmill of comparison and disenchantment. If you are striving for perfection in your life right now, please stop immediately. Aim for self improvement instead. Go ahead and improve your station, work hard on you and you'll see that you will gain a lot more confidence and self worth if you aim for better over perfect.
Once you've done that, then it is time to embrace your power, your individual power, the one that you were born with. You do have power, quite a lot of it actually. You have your own set of unique abilities, talents and skills. Why there is no-one else on the entire planet that is identical to you, you're an original, a one of a kind masterpiece and you have passion, purpose and ambition to ignite in this world. As Dr Seuss said, there is no-one alive who is more youer that you. And that is so true and beautiful and 100% worth embracing.
When you embrace your individual power, you'll find that you will unlock your goals and visions for your own future. Finding what makes you feel alive will do that and if you're lucky you might even get to live your passion daily and even make money from doing it. However, it might be a hobby or talent that you do part time that ignites your power and that is just as good. When you are doing something that you feel passionate about in the world you will also be embracing your whole self, perhaps without realising that you are. And that is because you will be embodying your authentic self.
Your authentic self is at the core of who you are and it is actually made up of a whole lot of really cool things. Things that you probably forget that you have in your tool kit a lot of the time. Whether you realise it or not, your authentic self is pure hearted, kind, empathetic, interested and understanding. You authentic self doesn't compare or complain or compete, why would it? Your authentic self is confident, calm and clear minded because it feels embraced and accepted. So allow yourself to be your authentic self, embrace the whole truth of who you really are, embrace your individual power and embrace the amazing journey that you've already made thus far. If you can do that, then you will be living your best life every damn day. And you know that you deserve to, so dare to embrace your whole self and raise your vibration, take your whole self to the next level.

Release Date: 2020
Rating: R 18+
Running Time: 94 mins
An unforgettably affecting independent psychological film that was written and directed by Carlo Mirabella-Davis. Swallow seeks to explore a very real affliction called pica, a psychological disorder that compels sufferers to consume indigestible objects.
Beautiful and passive Hunter has just married a wealthy CEO and her new life affords her the luxury of not having to work, lots of free time and extra money at her disposal. However, after swallowing a marble one day, Hunter feels exhilarated and begins to consume more and more inedible objects, eventually putting her life and that of her unborn child in danger.
Be warned, this movie is really hard to watch at times. Between the main characters obsession with swallowing harmful objects and the appalling treatment and lack of emotional support that she receives from the people around her, this film just goes from bad to worse.
Haley Bennett's performance of Hunter is Oscar nomination worthy and she projects the immaculately groomed 'Stepford wife' persona hiding a deep secret so well that it is downright eerie. Swallow certainly provides us with a glimpse into the strange and disturbing world of pica sufferers and will be a film that I won't ever forget seeing.
FINAL SAY: Are you happy, or are you pretending to be happy?
3 Chilli Peppers