If I'm being completely honest with myself about it though, I know that it is because I take on too many things and put my own well being on the back burner for others. So, from this point forward, I have decided to trim as much fat off my life as I can. Yes, I know that I also need to trim some off my fat arse too, but I digress. What I need to do first is minimise the shit that I feel obligated to do and learn to set limits, not just for myself, but to also let others know that I am not a slave to their needs.
Quite often when people set limits like this, others see it as a negative thing or a selfish thing, which I know I have thought of others myself in the past, but not anymore! If it isn't serving me then it can fuck right off as far as I am concerned. I am culling the unneeded, slaying the undesired and destroying as many obstacles to my zen state as possible. This is not a dress rehearsal, this is my life! I want to maximise the good, find my bliss in every moment and live by my own terms and I don't think that there is anything wrong with that.
I actually got to flex my new found fat trimming abilities already this week when I wrote an email to my team at work outlining my dissatisfaction with a current responsibility that I had been lumbered with because it was really making me feel unhappy. The problem was fixed within a day, what a result! And when Seth's friend called last night and asked if Seth could come bowling at 10am on Sunday, I politely informed him that 10am on a Sunday was not a respectful weekend time slot, so he and his very strict and almost militantly driven mother actually changed the time to 11am, again result!
It is of no service to the self to just take shit you don't want or need on the chin, and there is nothing virtuous about grinning and bearing it. I really don't think that life was meant to be endured, and I have no intentions of enduring things anymore. From now on: no purpose, no joy, no interest; that's my motto and that's just how it has to be!
Release Date: 2005
Rating: R 18+
Running Time: 132 mins
Based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore, the same man that created The Watchmen and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, this political thriller, written by the Wachowski Brothers, is an exciting and action packed viewing experience.
Hugo Weaving portrays V, a charismatic mask wearing anarchist who was the unwilling subject of experimentation by a sinister organisation known as Norsefire. V is attempting to ignite a revolution against the corruption of Norsefire, a regime that is oppressive, brutal and fascist; exterminating any opposition in concentration camps. Evey (Natalie Portman) becomes caught up in V's mission after he saves her life and together they plan to stage a revolt on Guy Fawkes Night - November 5th.
V for Vendetta is unlike other fantasy or super hero creations, the story-line covers real life ideas, and it is a fascinating examination of the frightening and structured compliance methods that governments can adopt, that promote power through fear.
Weaving and Portman are simply brilliant, bringing a lot of energy and commitment to their roles. I was on the edge of my seat from start to end, and never felt bored since there is so much going on the whole time.
FINAL SAY: Remember, remember the 5th of November.
4 Chili Peppers