In the last two weeks I have really used my time efficiently, swinging between obligation, organisation and pure indulgence, and I have loved every single moment of it.
The highlights for me were:
- Having cocktails with friends.
- Enjoying afternoon tea in the sun at the botanical gardens.
- A freshly baked morning tea at a dear friend's house.
- Walking the neighbourhood most fine days.
- Spending Easter with my loved ones.
- Hosting a pizza/movie night.
- Catching up with far away friends for brunch.
- Going to the ELVIS exhibition in Bendigo with the family.
- Sipping a 'Dark and Stormy' in a swanky bar with a buddy.
- Getting my hair and eyebrows tizzied up.
- Finally organising the the cable guy to hook up the Ethernet to my TV - so long Wi-Fi drop outs!
- Enjoying two meat smoker events.
- Going to the movies.
- Watching 16 films and finishing eight TV series.
- Reading four books.
- Cleaning out my jewellery cupboard and wardrobe - long overdue!
- Eating out at delicious restaurants four times.
- And I also took Craig to pick up his new whip for his 50th birthday - a brand new cherry red Mustang.
And so, like it does at this time every year, a new term begins and I return to the hamster wheel of work for another couple of months, refreshed and relaxed after my epic break but still always longing for the days ahead that offer me another round of respite and indulgent joy.

Release Date: 2022
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 111 mins
A romantic comedy directed by Jason Orley from a screenplay written by Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger that actually delivers just the right mix of rom/com to work.
Two recently dumped strangers team up in attempt to win back their exes through unscrupulous and underhanded methods.
The storyline here is simple enough, but the cast are truly terrific and deliver their roles with tonnes of humour and likeability which really elevates this rom/com from predictable and basic to the halls of genuine enjoyment.
Charlie Day and Jenny Slate play the roles of the two devious and heartbroken friends with a plausible onscreen chemistry and they are very well supported by Scott Eastwood, Manny Jacinto, Clark Backo and Gina Rodriguez whom all believably fall into the messy love entanglement that ensues.
I Want You Back is no game changer, but for a rom/com this is a solid and enjoyable watch.
FINAL SAY: We're each others sadness sisters.
3 Chilli Peppers