And what a feast it was, eaten with wooden forks and knives at table dressed with Autumnal linen , gourds and candle light no less. Oh, check me out all fancy!
We started with a mulled wine (called Hippocras) and an ember day tart. Next came apple and pear ciders with roasted pork and crackling with seasonal root veg and poached leeks in a mustard vinaigrette. For dessert, a quince spiced cake with cream. And the afters (like we weren't already nearly exploding) involved a traditional nut honey toffee called nucato, creamy wine and much hilarity by the fire.
Try playing 'would you rather' with a nine year old along for the ride and it gets really funny, very quickly. The best one that Seth came up with was - would you rather jump off a building to your death or French kiss a cat and Mr. Bean? This should give you some idea of the way that things were heading as the night wore on.
And so that was how it went for us on the longest night of the year. Lots of tasty food and drinks and buckets of laughs.
Spent today washing the smoke stench outta of everyone's coats, scarves and beanies, oh and watching a fantastic fox.

Release Date: 2009
Rating: PG
Running Time: 87 mins
Wes Anderson never ceases to delight me. He is the master of absurdity and quirkiness, so naturally his interpretation of the Roald Dahl's classic Fantastic Mr Fox was going to be wonderful.
This adorable stop-motion movie is a feast for your eyes from start to end. The details are imaginatively realised with the use of simple and everyday items and there is so much heart in every frame of this work that you will find yourself utterly captivated.
When Mr Fox, voiced perfectly by George Clooney, decides to take on a group of farmers (Boggis, Bunce and Beans) for stocks and supplies, he ends up in all kinds of bother. Eventually, Mr Fox must call on the support of his own community in this showdown of wit and cunning.
This is smart and fresh filmmaking, and it is worthy of an adult audience just as much as a child's.
FINAL SAY: Cussing good.
5 Chili Peppers